The Singularity Cell, also known as The Planck Level, is a possibly infinite prison said to be located deep within The Empty City, or as Jack of All put it "the bottom of the universe". Very little is known about it besides the fact that The Brute was imprisoned there as seen in the blog Chain Mail and attempted to return to the human world through the Ferratus, His Fetters Freshly Forged meme. Because of this, some characters have speculated it is a detention center for Fears and other creatures who threaten to destroy the world, though there is no evidence to confirm this theory outside of the testimony of unreliable sources. According to Chain Mail, the only way to access The Singularity Cell is by rowing to the center of a lake and diving into a whirlpool made from a piece of "nothing".
It may also be connected to The Cage, a cold steel cage hanging in an abyss where nothing ever happens and anyone unfortunate enough to be trapped within it is forced to experience the boredom and monotony of eternity.