Detective is an operative unlocked during the UIU Event and is limited edition costing 15,000 Tickets
God! You know it's getting bad when detectives are getting deployed in the battlefields. (Use your precision skills your advantage to defeat your enemies!)
~ Detective's description in the menu
Detective dresses in the theme of a late 1800's stereotypical British detective. Having a monocle and brown suit and tie topped with a fedora
The detective is a high damage operative that shreds enemies when using its "sense" perk dealing easily 3x more damage to everything. Combining this with a low spread gun is the best way to go as it is easier to hit the weak points especially on non-boss npc's. "SearchExpert" is also a great perk as in emergency situation, it can come in clutch as well as quickly reloading long reload guns like the PKM and the M249. SeachExpert also help with grinding Materials since it is reduces interaction speed with everything.
- Sense: Able reveal enemy's weak points to do 3x more damage every 60 seconds (-2 seconds for every operative level)
- SearchExpert: Reloading faster as well as interacting with everything 2x faster
Use a low spread weapon and stay back to avoid the exploders to maximize damage from sense. Have a couple Bandages if you are planning to do a mass collecting spree for Exploders goo.