Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

A Clash of Dragons and Monsters竜魔激突, ryū ma gekitotsu is the fourteenth light novel volume of the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime series.


Having easily thwarted the Eastern Empire's invasion, Rimuru wishes to end the conflict once and for all and therefore heads for the imperial capital to take out the source. Meanwhile, Yuuki has worked his way up the Empire's hierarchy with the intention of staging a coup and usurping the throne. It doesn't take long for Rimuru to learn that the Empire's true power is on a whole different level compared to what he's seen so far…. And it turns out he isn't the only ruler with a dragon at his side![1]


  • Prologue: The Pierrots' Decision道化達の決断, dōketachi no ketsudan
  • Chapter 1: Rewards and Evolution褒美と進化, hōbi to shinka
  • Interlude: The Shocking Victory Celebration驚愕の祝勝会, kyōgaku no shukushōkai
  • Chapter 2: Future Plans今後の方針, kongo no hōshin
  • Interlude: The Heavenly Game天上のゲーム, tenjō no gēmu
  • Chapter 3: Imperial Capital, Confusion帝都、混迷, teito, konmei
  • Chapter 4: The Crimson Purge紅蓮の粛清, guren no shukusei
  • Epilogue: Fury激怒, gekido




Extra pages[]




Good to see you once more. This is Fuse.
I caught the flu around New Year's 2019, which meant a lot of tough times for me. The deadline for this volume was at the end of the year, but I wound up overshooting it by, um, more than a few days. I really cannot thank I, my editor, enough for extending the deadline for me. I'll try to be just a little careful next time, so I'm not cutting it so close again!

"Just a little careful?" I can hear I saying, but let's ignore that for now.
The story covered in this volume develops in a different way from the original web novel version. How? I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader, but at long last, the full picture of the Eastern Empire has been revealed.
Who's the identity of that beautiful woman on the cover?! …Well, I'm sure most of you have already figured that out. Isn't that wacky dragon's sister real hot? I challenged Mitz Vah to try giving her a bewitching sort of sexiness, and they gave me the three main elements that form any man's eternal dreams—to quote the hero of a certain manga from long ago, "Breasts! Butt! Thighs!!!" I like how you only get a glimpse of each, without showing off too much. You can call it "flashiness," pardon the pun—but I digress. I must be getting all tensed up after my deadline, so please take what I write with a grain of salt.

So thanks to Mitz Vah for the excellent illustrations they provide every volume! And thanks also to the fans who support me. I've been receiving fan letters and stuff, and it's been a huge encouragement! I'd like to send replies to them, but frankly, I'm terrible at keeping up correspondence, and I have trouble finding the time to sit down and do it. But I do read them all, and I store them all for safekeeping as well!
Also, to everyone involved in the production of this work—thank you!

Thanks to all your support, we've announced a second season of the anime adaptation. As the creator, I know that people have high expectations for That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. We all want to live up to your gratitude, and personally, I'll do my very best to make this an even better story for you all!
See you guys soon!



  1. Yen Press synopsis, roughly edited

