Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

Results for Template:Chaldean Catholic Church hierarchy (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 7
Sarhad Yawsip Jammo (edit)
Shlemon Warduni (edit)
Akre (diocese) (edit)
Ibrahim Namo Ibrahim (edit)
Francis Y. Kalabat (edit)
Emanuel Hana Shaleta (edit)
Bawai Soro (edit)

Total: 11
Baghdad (edit)
Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Anbar (edit) Anbar (town) (edit)
Diocese (edit)
Eparchy (edit)
Gazireh of the Chaldeans (edit) Gazarta (Chaldean diocese) (edit)
Iraq (edit)
Metropolitan bishop (edit)
Nisibis of the Chaldeans (edit) Nusaybin (edit)
Patriarchate (edit)
Titular see (edit)
Titular see of Kaskar of the Chaldeans (edit) Diocese of Kashkar (edit)

 Links to redirects

Total: 9
Chaldean Catholic Archeparchy of Urmyā (edit) Chaldean Catholic Archeparchy of Urmia (edit)
Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Anbar (edit) Anbar (town) (edit)
Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Sulaimaniya (edit) Chaldean Catholic Archeparchy of Kirkuk-Sulaimaniya (edit)
Chaldean Catholic Territory Dependent on the Patriarch of Jerusalem (edit) Chaldean Catholic Territory of Jerusalem (edit)
Gazireh of the Chaldeans (edit) Gazarta (Chaldean diocese) (edit)
Nisibis of the Chaldeans (edit) Nusaybin (edit)
Perat-Maishan of the Chaldeans (edit) Chaldean Catholic Archeparchy of Basra (edit)
Titular see of Kaskar of the Chaldeans (edit) Diocese of Kashkar (edit)
Zaku of the Chaldeans (edit) Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Amadiyah and Zaku (edit)


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