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Lidia Sobieska (リディア・ソビエスカ Ridia Sobiesuka?) is a karateka and the Prime Minister of Poland within the Tekken series. She made her debut in Tekken 7: Fated Retribution as DLC in the Season 4 Pass.

She returned in Tekken 8 as the summer DLC fighter.


Lidia was born into a family that had produced many prominent politicians. When Lidia was 10 years old, her grandfather was elected president of Poland. Despite her family background, Lidia had no intention of becoming a politician. Instead, she wanted to continue to study traditional karate, which she had been training in for some time.

Two years later, as Lidia stood waiting to welcome her grandfather and father back from a trip to Japan, the government helicopter carrying the two of them suddenly exploded and crashed. Lidia's face was injured by flying debris and she fainted. A few days later, Lidia regained consciousness. She was told that the helicopter explosion was not an accident, but an act of terrorism. Lidia was angry and upset to learn that her father was killed in the attack. Two months after the incident, Lidia visited her grandfather, who survived the explosion after receiving intensive care. He told her never to give in to injustice.

Lidia entered university law school at the age of 16 and graduated with first-class honors five years later. At the age of 18, Lidia won her first world karate championship and would go on to win an unprecedented six consecutive titles in the following years. When she turned 21, she immediately ran for national office and won her first election. Lidia’s martial arts prowess and determined outlook earned her the nickname ‘The Strongest Member of Parliament’.

As the war between the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation intensified, the situation in Poland deteriorated. Calls for a new political leader in the country rapidly grew stronger. In response, Lidia put her name forward for the presidency of the ruling party and won, becoming prime minister of Poland at the young age of 29. She requested that the Mishima Zaibatsu withdraw the Tekken Force solders they had illegally stationed in Poland, but the Mishima Zaibatsu's owner, Heihachi Mishima, refused to do so. He sent a letter that told Lidia that, if she was dissatisfied with his response, she would have to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament and negotiate directly with him. Though she was offended by the prospect, she nevertheless entered the tournament.[10]

As the war between the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation intensified, the situation in Poland deteriorated. Calls for a new political leader in the country rapidly grew stronger. In response, Lidia put her name forward for the presidency of the ruling party and won, becoming prime minister of Poland at the young age of 29. She requested that the Mishima Zaibatsu withdraw the Tekken Force solders they had illegally stationed in Poland, but the Mishima Zaibatsu's owner, Heihachi Mishima, refused to do so. He sent a letter that told Lidia that, if she was dissatisfied with his response, she would have to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament and negotiate directly with him. Though she was offended by the prospect, she nevertheless entered the tournament.[10]

Following the disappearance of Heihachi Mishima, G Corporation grew in power. She formed alliances with underground networks, including Yoshimitsu's Manji Clan, to gather intelligence on opposing forces. Of the intel presented to her, a document regarding Eddy Gordo, an old acquaintance of hers, caught her eye. She was surprised to see that he had been a member of Tekken Force. She and Yoshimitsu successfully located Eddy and rescued him from a losing battle he was waging against G Corporation forces. Eddy divulged the sins he had committed as a member of Tekken Force, but Lidia understood that his hand was forced and extended hope of a new beginning to him. Eddy, as well as a contingent of other former Tekken Force soldiers seeking redemption, joined Lidia's efforts against G Corporation.

This article/section contains spoilers for recent/new content! Read at your own risk!
TK8 Jun Stamp

Lidia convinced an international congress to adopt sanctions against G Corporation,[11] and continued developing alliances with like-minded organizations. She sent Eddy to meet with Lars Alexandersson, leader of Yggdrasil, and to a Mishima Zaibatsu base in South America to recruit more Tekken Force members interested in changing their ways.[12]

On the back of intel provided by a mysterious source, Lidia led UN forces into New York and freed the city from G Corporation’s control, preventing major casualties and earning her acclaim worldwide. Regardless, Lidia felt guilt over being unable to prevent Kazuya Mishima’s rampage from taking place at all. She then travelled to meet the person who provided the intel, Reina. Reina referred to the letter Heihachi Mishima had sent Lidia; Lidia was alarmed, as she had not made anyone else privy to the letter’s existence. She suspected that Reina must be linked to Heihachi in some way. Reina and Lidia fought and, at the close of their fight, several staffs rained from above, surrounding Lidia. A voice called out to Lidia, telling her she was the ‘peerless warrior’ the Tekken Monks had been seeking but that they first had to determine whether she was worthy. The staffs began to exude black smoke with hallucinatory properties, and they appeared to transmute into Tekken Monks. Lidia fought with them and was able to best them all, causing them to disappear into red smoke. The voice praised her technique and spirit. Reina then spoke with Lidia, telling her that the Tekken Monks were an organisation that even the Mishima Zaibatsu lacked data on, and that they’d disrupted every attempt by anyone to search for Heihachi Mishima. Lidia asked Reina if she meant for her to seek out the Tekken Monks, and Reina confirmed that she did, telling Lidia to think of it as the fee for the intel she had provided.[13]

Lidia located a Tekken Monk stronghold and traveled there alongside Eddy and Yoshimitsu. Once there, Lidia was challenged by Tekken High Priest Seiryu. She bested him and thanked him for an enlightening fight. Black smoke began to fill the room, and the voice of Tekken High Priest Suzaku rang out. He told Lidia that he would test her mettle. An apparition of Devil Kazuya, Shadow Kazuya, formed from the black smoke, and Lidia fought and defeated it. Suzaku then finally greeted her in his physical form, deeming her a model of perfect equilibrium between mind, body and technique. He introduced her to another Tekken Monk: Heihachi Mishima.[14] Suzaku explained that Heihachi had lost all his memories and had been training in Mishima-style alongside the Tekken Monks in hopes of completing the Star Crusher Trial and attaining the Mishima-style Ultimate Technique. Lidia joined the Tekken Monks as their guest and assisted in Heihachi’s training.

Some time later, Lidia observed Heihachi training with Seiryu and was impressed by his prowess. However, Seiryu noted that Heihachi’s mind was wavering, causing imbalance in him. Lidia wondered whether the imbalance might be connected to his memory loss.[15]

Lidia witnessed Heihachi go through a ceremony to rid himself of the evil within.[16] The next morning, Lidia meditated and trained with Heihachi to ensure he was ready for the trial later that day.[17]

That night, after Heihachi completed the Star Crusher Trial, Eddy and Yoshimitsu found Lidia while she was training and told her that something terrible had happened. The three discovered that Heihachi's past attitude had returned and that he had taken out scores of the Tekken Monks, Seiryu and Suzaku among them. Lidia, Eddy and Yoshimitsu fought Heihachi, but they were unable to defeat him.[18]


Lidia is motivated by duty to her country and her family legacy. She believes she ought to follow in her grandfather's footsteps and serve as a political leader for her country, and fight for justice when confronted by aggressive powers like the Mishima Zaibatsu. She bold and fearless, seemingly unfazed by the threats that her aide warns her about, and unafraid to confront Heihachi Mishima when he refuses to withdraw Tekken Force from Poland. She is a dedicated karateka, and, in her Tekken 7 character reveal trailer, accidentally slips into speaking as though she is in the dojo whilst on the phone with her aide, suggesting she is more comfortable in a martial arts setting than a political one.

One of her default win animations shows her offering a hand to her opponent whilst saying, "I went too far, an ambulance is on its way," suggesting thoughtfulness and self-restraint. Another win animation shows her thanking her opponent for the match in a traditional karate bow, suggesting she has respect for her opponents and upholds a code of honor in her martial arts. In her Tekken 8 character reveal trailer, Lidia is shown enjoying hobbies such as trying out local cuisines, and reveals a more amicable and playful side to her than is otherwise suggested in her martial and political attitudes.


Lidia has platinum blonde hair which she ties into a high ponytail. She has blue eyes, with a scar through her left eye. She wears winged eye make up and glossy red lipstick.


Main article: Lidia Sobieska/Outfits

Lidia is a karate practitioner and her main outfits feature her in a gi, with a color reference to Poland's flag included. Her Tekken 7 gi outfit featured a red 'Polska' sports top, while her Tekken 8 gi is in red and white with the national flower of Poland decorating the leg.


Tekken 7[]


Tekken 7 - Lidia Sobieska Character Reveal Trailer

Official Website Profile (English)
Lidia has always been an upright and resolute woman. She believes that justice requires absolute power, which is why she has shown great interest in karate from a very young age. The loss of her father stoked her interest in the family tradition of politics. Lidia showed great qualities in both areas, entering and winning her first karate world championship at 18, and more recently being one of the youngest rising stars in the Polish political arena. The war started by the Mishima Zaibatsu is greatly affecting Poland and she is committed to settle the situation with her own fists.[19]

Official Website Profile (Japanese)
Young Prime Minister Lidia Sobieska, who will lead the next generation of Poland.

Born into a prominent political family, Lidia was destined to be a politician from an early age. When Lidia was 10 years old, her grandfather became President of Poland, which attracted public attention to her as the next generation of politician. However, as a matter of fact, Lidia had no intention of becoming a politician and wanted to pursue the path of traditional karate, which she was learning for self defense. Two years later however, a life-changing incident occurred for Lidia. Intending to welcome her grandfather and father home from a trip abroad, Lidia was waiting for the designated helicopter when, in front of her eyes, the government helicopter carrying her grandfather and father suddenly exploded and crashed. At that time, the scattered debris injured Lidia’s face and she fainted. A few days later Lidia finally regained consciousness, and, although her grandfather miraculously survived, her father died. It was reported that the crash was not just an accident, but a terrorist act aimed at assassinating the prime minister using explosives.

Lidia was deeply angry and upset that her father had been killed and that it hadn’t been an accident. Two months after the incident when visitation restriction was finally lifted, she visited her grandfather, and she was told, “Never give in to unjust power. Never. Be strong both physically and mentally”. Whilst squeezing her grandfather’s hand, she put hidden determination into her words. “I have decided. I will be a good politician like my grandfather and father!”

To put those words into practice, Lidia enrolled in the law department of a university at the age of 16 and graduated at the top of her class five years later. As soon as she was 21 and earned eligibility for election, she ran for national election and won on her first run. In addition, she won the world championship kumite division of karate, which she first appeared in at the age of 18. She continued to participate in tournaments even after becoming a member of parliament, and achieved an unprecedented six consecutive victories and became familiar to people under the nickname 'the strongest member of parliament.'

As time went by, the war between the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation intensified all over the world, and various conflicts occurred, such as the Mishima Zaibatsu illegally deploying special forces in Poland. With this, the demand for a new political leader rapidly increased in the country, and in order to answer that call, Lidia won the ruling first party presidential election and became Prime Minister of Poland at the young age of 29. Lidia, who became prime minister, requested the Mishima Zaibatsu to withdraw the illegally stationed Tekken Force, but a threatening letter arrived from Heihachi Mishima, the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu: 'I’m not going to obey the withdrawal request at all. If you’re dissatisfied, you should come to The King of Iron Fist Tournament and negotiate directly with me.'

Lidia was angry with the content of the letter, but decided to participate in the tournament. “I cannot stand injustice. For the sake of the people of Poland, I cannot lose!”[10]

Letter from Heihachi

Lidia letter

Handwritten letter sent to Lidia from Heihachi, stamped with the Mishima Zaibatsu seal.

Dear Ms. Prime Minister,

I do not intend to follow your request for the withdrawal of the Tekken Force deployment in Poland.

However, I hold you in high regard on account of your ascension to the post of prime minister at such a young age. I have no doubt you will play a prominent role in shaping the future of your country. If you are of the mind to cooperate with my ambitions, you will have the strong support of the Mishima Zaibatsu for your country and all of the endeavors related to politics, economics, and military affairs.

If you refuse this offer, I am sure you understand the perilous situation in which it would place your country.

If you have any objections, you could always enter the King of the Iron Fist Tournament and propose them directly to me.

January 22nd
CEO of Mishima Zaibatsu
Heihachi Mishima[20]

Tekken 8[]


TEKKEN 8 — Lidia Sobieska Gameplay Trailer

Official Website Profile (English)
Lidia Sobieska is not only a world-class karate champion, but also one of the political world's most passionate foodies. This has garnered her popularity from the people of Poland, leading her to be known as the "Warrior Prime Minister."

Lidia lost her father when she was a small girl after he was killed in a terrorist attack targeting her grandfather, the Prime Minister of Poland at the time. Caught in the explosion, she suffered injury herself, resulting in the scar over her left eye.

Since that fateful day, she has refused to bend a knee to unjust power, and has been especially critical of the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corp. Her brave political stance has earned her the trust of people around the world. However, as one of the leaders of a rapidly changing world, Lidia is painfully aware that good intentions alone are not suffice to protect innocent lives.

She believes that the people need a symbol of power that embodies justice, but rallying a force capable of opposing the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corp is no easy task.

To help her gather intelligence on her opposition inconspicuously, she forms alliances with secret underground organizations such as the Manji Clan, led by Yoshimitsu.

Among the vast supply of information brought to her, one document in particular catches her attention. It appears that her old acquaintance and family friend, Eddy Gordo, acts as a commanding officer for the Tekken Force. The Eddy of Lidia's past was hardworking and loyal to a fault—something must have happened to make him collaborate with the Tekken Force. So, with the help of Yoshimitsu, Lidia saves Eddy from imminent annihilation.

Reunited for the first time in ten years, Lidia learns of the sins Eddy has committed while they were apart. Rather than condemn him, she understands that his hand was forced and instead offers him a beacon of hope.

"No, we cannot cast aside even those whose hands have been stained by unjust power. Instead, we must act as torches of hope to light the night—to lead them back to the path of righteousness and pave the way to a peaceful world."

So, Eddy and Lidia come together to form a new, ragtag unit of fighters made up of Tekken Force soldiers who could be convinced to change their ways. At the same time, however, a certain entity has been accelerating the spread of chaos and destruction. Having won the war against the Mishima Zaibatsu, G Corp has kicked its armed invasion of other countries into high gear.

In response, Lidia quickly takes the lead of public opinion and convinces an international congress to adopt sanctions against G Corp, all while expediting the creation of battle strategies and expansion of troops in preparation for an inevitable showdown.[11]


Fighting Style[]

Lidia uses a style of Karate practiced in Poland.[21]


Character Relationships[]

  • Heihachi Mishima - Lidia requested Heihachi withdraw Tekken Force from Poland when he was head of the Mishima Zaibatsu. Heihachi refused to do so, causing Lidia to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament at his invitation to further discuss the dispute. Lidia never faced Heihachi in-person during Tekken 7. In Tekken 8, when Heihachi briefly lost his memories, Lidia assisted the Tekken Monks in rehabilitating Heihachi with the intention of keeping his prior memories sealed away. When this fails, Lidia does battle with Heihachi before ultimately being defeated.
  • Her grandfather - He was President of Poland and an inspiration to Lidia.
  • Her father - He was killed in a helicopter crash, during an assassination attempt on Lidia's grandfather. She vowed to follow in his and his father's footsteps to become a good politician.
  • Eddy Gordo - Lidia and Eddy had been close friends before being separated for ten years. They reunite during the events of Tekken 8 after Eddy is saved from G Corporation by Yoshimitsu, and Lidia and Eddy work together to reform hostile Tekken Force members into joining them against G Corp.[11]
  • Yoshimitsu - Lidia utilized Yoshimitsu and his Manji Clan for covert, intelligence operations. Yoshimitsu later helps Lidia reunite with Eddy Gordo.[11]


Lidia Sobieska/Quotes


  • Lidia is the first character in the series to be a DLC character more than once.
  • Lidia practices the Shōtōkan-style of Karate, as is evident from her wide stances, straight closed fist strikes, and performing the Kankū-dai kata in her reveal trailer, a signature kata of Shōtōkan.
    • Kazuya Mishima's fighting style is also based on Shōtōkan, but Lidia's is much more traditional. Shōtōkan is the most widely practiced style of Karate and also the most influential, with nearly all other styles of Karate (and some other martial arts as well, such as Taekwondo) listing it as an influence.
  • Several of Lidia's attacks were motion captured from Tatsuya Naka of the Japan Karate Association and a 7th dan master that teaches Shōtōkan-style Karate.[22]
  • Information on Lidia's background was sent out as a care package to some fans by Bandai Namco after her Tekken 7 release. A letter is included that is sent from Heihachi Mishima to Lidia in her capacity as head of state.[23]
  • In the same above mentioned care package, a black belt with Lidia's name on it is provided. The belt has the polish word "Potęga" (power) sewn onto it, along with "Polskie Karate" (Polish Karate), indicating she is likely has a black belt in a style of karate.
  • Her surname is possibly based on Jan III Sobieski, King of Poland who commanded the Polish Winged Hussars against the Ottomans in Siege of Vienna in 1683, in the largest cavalry charge of all time.
    • Her surname could indicate she is a descendant of, or named after the Sobieski household, a real-life noble Polish family which existed during the 16th and 17th centuries.
  • Lidia's favorite soup is żurek, a soup made with fermented cereal (usually rye flour or oats) and some form of meat[24]. Harada tasted this dish when he visited Poland and ordered it every day during his visit.[25]
  • In an interview, Harada stated that he had been thinking of introducing a Polish character since around the time of Tekken 5 and Tekken 6, but had a lack of knowledge about the country so held off creating one. After visiting the country and talking to many locals, he felt better placed to create a Polish character. He also stated that Lidia was not based on any particular politician.[26]
  • Lidia is one of the few female characters in Tekken to have visible scars. The other female character with visible scars is Kunimitsu, though her scar is hidden behind her mask.
Tekken 7: Fated Retribution
  • Lidia was released in Season 4 DLC alongside the stage Island Paradise.
  • Due to her hair color and scar, she was mistaken for Ciri from The Witcher series during her initial teaser.
  • An early file found on the XBOX store entitled 'DLC18-Krystyna' led fans to believe that the character's name would be Krystyna.[27] The character's name was confirmed as Lidia Sobieska by Katsuhiro Harada on 16th March 2021.[28]
    • The name change could have possibly been due to the similarity to Christie.
  • Like many DLC characters, despite having been added to the game later, Lidia's story does not take place after Tekken 7, but during it. This is evidenced by her communication with Heihachi who is now the deceased head of the Zaibatsu, and by her choice to enter the Iron Fist Tournament, an event which is cancelled part way through Tekken 7's story.
  • Lidia's reveal trailer was first aired live on Twitch during the King of the Hill tournament on the 21st of March, 2021.

Tekken 8

  • Similar to her initial release in Tekken 7 alongside the Island Paradise stage, Lidia's return was revealed for Tekken 8 alongside the new Seaside Resort stage.
  • She is the first Season 1 DLC fighter whose character data leaked inside the game disc after Eddy Gordo was revealed, prior to her gameplay teaser reveal at the end of EVO Japan 2024.[29]
  • Lidia's official trailer was first shown in full during the Top 8 of the Tekken 8 portion of Combo Breaker 2024.
  • During her Rage Art, three Polish words can be seen: ludzie, pokój and uczciwość, respectively meaning "people", "peace" and "integrity".
  • During her Rage Art, a red eagle flies across the screen while the background is white, resembling the Polish flag. Eagles are also one of the symbols of Poland.


Lidia Sobieska/Gallery


  1. ^ https://www.tk7.tekken-official.jp/special/dlc18.php
  2. ^ Tekken 8 Lidia Sobieska Gameplay Trailer
  3. ^ a b c https://www.tk7.tekken-official.jp/special/dlc18.php
  4. ^ a b In-game Tekken 8 profile
  5. ^ https://twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN/status/1374525107473772544?s=19
  6. ^ The notebook that Lidia opens in one of her Tekken 8 outros includes a handwritten note next to one of the pictures reading "Babeczki udekorowane moim absolutnie ulubionym owocem: truskawką", which translates to "Cupcakes decorated with my absolute favorite fruit: strawberry"
  7. ^ Katsuhiro Harada @Harada_TEKKEN, Twitter, 4:21 PM Jun 13, 2024. Note that information is not stated in-game and only comes from a database of information provided by series developer Katsuhiro Harada.
  8. ^ https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=751399912150510&id=138303293460178
  9. ^ http://dubbingpedia.pl/wiki/Aleksandra_Nowicka#Gry
  10. ^ a b Tekken 7 Official Website - DLC 18 Lidia Sobieska
  11. ^ a b c d Tekken 8 Official English Website Profile.
  12. ^ Tekken 8: Unforgotten Echoes, Story Mode, Chapter 1: Flash and Lightning.
  13. ^ Tekken 8: Unforgotten Echoes Story Mode, Chapter 3: Unexpected Encounters.
  14. ^ Tekken 8: Unforgotten Echoes Story Mode, Chapter 4: The Tekken Monks.
  15. ^ Tekken 8: Unforgotten Echoes Story Mode, Chapter 5: Memories Once Lost.
  16. ^ Tekken 8: Unforgotten Echoes Story Mode, Chapter 6: Evil Within.
  17. ^ Tekken 8: Unforgotten Echoes Story Mode, Chapter 7: Star Crusher Trial.
  18. ^ Tekken 8: Unforgotten Echoes Story Mode, Chapter 8: The King of the Iron Fist Returns.
  19. ^ Tekken 7 Official English Website Profile.
  20. ^ https://www.gamepressure.com/newsroom/tekken-7-prime-minister-lidia-sobieska-is-a-karate-user/z02f2f
  21. ^ https://twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN/status/1371637907702775808
  22. ^ [1]
  23. ^ A full transcript of the letter can be read here, and photos of the care package can be seen in this [2]
  24. ^ [3]
  25. ^ [4]
  26. ^ [5]
  27. ^ https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/lptd74/tekken_7_dlc_18_krystyna/
  28. ^ Harada tweet confirming DLC character as Lidia Sobieska. News source linked by Harada: [6]
  29. ^ https://games.mxdwn.com/news/possible-tekken-8-dlc-leak-reveals-lidia-sobieska-craig-marduk-and-fahkumram/

