Worlds Beyond was the second story of the thirteenth series of The Fourth Doctor Adventures, produced by Big Finish Productions. It was written by Robert Khan & Tom Salinsky and featured Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor, Christopher Naylor as Harry Sullivan and Eleanor Crooks as Naomi Cross.
Publisher's summary[]
The Doctor, Harry and Naomi have arrived on a luxury resort world where custom-made holidays are provided for every visitor. Their minds are scanned and their ideal getaway is planned.
Naomi gets an activity break by the sea, Harry explores a crumbling ruin and the Doctor ends up playing chess with Alan Turing. All seems idyllic...but every paradise must have a snake...mustn't it?
Part one[]
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Part two[]
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- The Doctor - Tom Baker
- Harry Sullivan - Christopher Naylor
- Naomi Cross - Eleanor Crooks
- Alan Turing / Low Case Cicerone - Anthony Howell
- Cicerone #1 / Man - Oscar Pearce
- Abby / Cicerone #2 / Woman - Amaka Okafor
- Donald / Cicerone #3 - David Shaw-Parker
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to be added
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External links[]
- Official Worlds Beyond page at