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Wedding vow

Wedding vows were vows which were invoked in a formal wedding ceremony.

Pete Tyler stumbled on his vows when he got married to Jacqueline Tyler. (TV: Father's Day)

On the anniversary of her wedding to Rory Williams, Amy Pond inadvertently agreed to wedding vows which married her to Henry VIII. As she recalled, "somebody was talking, and I just said yes." (TV: The Power of Three)

Wedding vows involved in marriage with a ruling monarch could be more elaborate than normal, as they would double as the vows involved in a coronation ceremony as the would-be spouse became the existing monarch's consort and fellow ruler. The vows that would have made the Mistress Empress of the Seven Systems alongside Emperor Lukor involved her swearing loyalty unto death to Lukor, to her people, and to each of the Seven Systems. (AUDIO: The Choice)
