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Wasps or Vespa, (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp [+]Gareth Roberts, Doctor Who series 4 (BBC One, 2008).) were insects native to Earth known for their stings. (PROSE: Eater of Wasps) They were often drawn towards sweet things, such as jam (COMIC: Distractions) or some drinks. (COMIC: Fear of the Future)


In 1933, an alien device caused a colony of wasps in Marpling to become overly aggressive. They attacked humans, swarming inside their mouths. (PROSE: Eater of Wasps)

The Ichneumon wasp was a type of wasp which laid its eggs in caterpillar. (AUDIO: Wirrn Dawn)

Wasps surrounded Yasmin Khan at the seaside after she spilled a drink over herself. She ran into the sea so the wasps would leave her alone. (COMIC: Fear of the Future)

Alternate timeline[]

In an alternate timeline, a parasitic Ichneumon wasp stung a battle-damaged Dalek in the year 2158, setting in motion the Mutant Phase - a chain of events that transformed the Daleks into Insectoid monsters. (AUDIO: The Mutant Phase)

Similar species[]

The planet Plutonia 7 was home to several giant species of insect, such as giant wasps. Their gigantic size made them a match for even the Daleks when they invaded. (PROSE: Battle for Pultonia 7)

The Vespiforms from the Silfrax Galaxy resembled giant wasps. One Vespiform was incorrectly called one. (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp)
