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Violet (disambiguation)
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Violet was a shade of purple. It was situated on one end of the visible spectrum before indigo and blue. (TV: Sky)
The Eighth Doctor wore a double-breasted waistcoat of violet paisley with a shawl collar and a gold fob watch when he first met Stacy Townsend during an encounter with Cybermen on the Dreadnought. (COMIC: Dreadnought)
Rose Tyler wore an asymmetrical, patchwork blouse, mostly violet. (TV: New Earth; AUDIO: Infamy of the Zaross, The Sword of the Chevalier)
Martha Jones wore a violet tank-top. (TV: Last of the Time Lords),
Donna Noble wore a violet top under her gunmetal grey sweater dress. (TV: Turn Left, The Stolen Earth/Journey's End)
The Fourth Doctor wore a crimson scarf with violet stripes, (TV: The Leisure Hive) up to his death after the Tremas Master's Entropic Enterprise. (TV: Logopolis)
The Sixth Doctor wore a plain violet waistcoat when helping his past and future selves defeat the Tremas Master and Autons, and when witnessing Adam Mitchell's redeeming death. (COMIC: Endgame)
Missy wore a violet suit when she and Clara Oswald went to Skaro, the Dalek Homeworld, during the Hybrid Incident. (TV: The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar)
While travelling through Malthill Way in 1745, the Eleventh Doctor wore a violet waistcoat with gold trims. (COMIC: Malthill Way) During the 1890s, he wore a violet bow tie with flowers. (TV: The Bells of Saint John)
As CEO of 24 Carat, Melanie Bush wore a violet skirt suit. (WC: 24 Carat)
Yasmin Khan wore a violet t-shirt when she went to Punjab during 1947. (TV: Demons of the Punjab)
Sylvia Noble wore a violet jumper with a v-neck collar during the Planetary Relocation Incident done by Davros and the New Dalek Empire. (TV: The Stolen Earth|Journey's End)
The Curator, taking the form of an older Sixth Doctor, wore a violet frock coat with a silver cat brooch. (AUDIO: Crossed Lines)
In 2009, apples in Mr. Cousins' greengrocers were turned violet by a broken Filbik device. (PROSE: The End of the Rainbow)
Raxacoricovarlonpatorians had violet skin. (COMIC: Doctormania)
The Maelstrom was partially violet. (PROSE: Enter Wildthyme)