The Stones of Spookiness was a short story written by Paul Magrs, based on his journey back from the Utopia convention in Oxfordshire. The story was notable for also featuring Panda, who is Iris Wildthyme's companion.
Returning from the Utopia convention in Oxfordshire, Paul Magrs, Jeremy, and Panda stop at the Rollright Stones. It is the first time Paul has visited a stone circle, despite them appearing in some of his favourite stories. Panda is also "delighted" that the size of the stones are "Panda-sized".
Paul has also been reading a couple of books by Penelope Lively over the course of the week, and on Tuesday, he reads them on the train from London to Manchester.
Referenced only[]
- Trevor Ray
- Jeremy Burnham
- David Fisher
- Amelia Rumford
- Vivien
- Penelope Lively
- Trevor Ray and Jeremy Burnham made The Children of the Stones.
- David Fisher wrote the Doctor Who story The Stones of Blood.
- Paul wished that he could've visited the "other set of stones".
- Paul thinks it would've been nice to see Amelia Rumford and Vivien while at the stones.
- He also thought a sausage sandwich and a cup of tea would've been smashing.
- Penelope Lively wrote Astercote, The Whispering Knights, and The Ghost of Thomas Kempe.
to be added
- Paul Magrs is a fan of Doctor Who, (PROSE: Bafflement and Devotion, The Story of Fester Cat) which is a television series in the 20th (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks, PROSE: A Letter from the Doctor, Stop, Thief!, et al.) and 21st centuries. (COMIC: A Groatsworth of Wit, WC: The Zygon Isolation, TV: In the Forest of the Night, et al.)
- Panda lives with Paul Magrs and Jeremy. (PROSE: The Story of Fester Cat, Fester and the Christmas Mouse, Welcome Home, Bernard Socks)
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