The Runes of Fenric was a short story released in The Doctor: His Lives and Times.
to be added
- Fenric has copies of A Short Treatise on Dalek Justice by Benncuiq IV, The Life and Conduct of Lady Peinforte, and Experiment 953/7D - 19870907-28.
- This story acts an in-universe recap of the Seventh Doctor's era.
- Fenric has photographs depicting events from TV: Time and the Rani, Dragonfire, Remembrance of the Daleks, Silver Nemesis, Battlefield, The Curse of Fenric, Ghost Light, and Survival.
- Fenric has a poster promoting the Psychic Circus. (TV: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy, AUDIO: The Psychic Circus)
- Fenric has a wanted poster of the Doctor, for persistent misery. (TV: The Happiness Patrol)