A teddy bear was a small stuffed toy resembling a miniature bear and made of fabric which was intended for children on the planet Earth.
The room that the Vespiform Arnold Golightly was born in contained a teddy bear. (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp)
In 1892, Francesca and Digby Latimer had teddy bears. (TV: The Snowmen)
In 1919, the Recruiter used specially designed teddy bears as the locator end of a mm'x synchronisis intradimensional energizer, so it could kidnap and brainwash children to use as soldiers in its war on Q'ell. (PROSE: Toy Soldiers)
In 1925, teddy bears were among the toys on sale at Mr Emporium when it was visited by Charles Banerjee, something pointed out to him by the Toymaker when he entered. (TV: The Giggle)
Audrey Dudman had a teddy bear as an infant in 1943. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)
In 1948, the six-year-old Polly Wright visited Henrik's with her mother. During the visit, she lost her teddy bear. (AUDIO: Lost and Found)
Teddy bears were brought into Ashenden's hospital when children were being transplanted, with Nurse Bledsoe giving one to Andy Davidson. They were all taken away when the children died. (AUDIO: Ashenden)
As a child, Ronald Turvey had a teddy bear named Mr Cuddles. When he was 18 years old, he went to university and studied biochemistry. At the end of the worst term of his life, several students broke into his room and destroyed Mr Cuddles. (AUDIO: Cuddlesome)

Donna finds a teddy bear. (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp)
Teddy bears were among the toys made by Santa Claus in his workshop. (COMIC: A Christmas Story)
Peri Brown had owned a teddy bear for as long as she could remember. While in the Doctor's TARDIS, she found a teddy bear in a storage closet and adopted it. (PROSE: A Star is Reborn)
Ace had a teddy bear when she was a child. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Warhead)
Annabel Lake had a teddy bear when she was a child. (COMIC: The Broken Man)
Amelia Pond packed a teddy bear in her suitcase when the Eleventh Doctor invited her to travel with him. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)
Clara Oswald had a pink teddy bear. (TV: The Bells of Saint John)
In the early 21st century, Johnny Hitchley asked a Zygon disguised as his mother what his favourite teddy bear was as a child. (TV: The Zygon Invasion)
In 2016, Tanya Adeola had a teddy bear in her bedroom in Clarendon House. (TV: For Tonight We Might Die)
In 2050, one of the sleeping people under the Bodach's control carried a teddy bear with him. (TV: Dream-Eaters)
In the 30th century, when body bepples were fashionable, Chris Cwej had one such bepple to give him the appearance of a large (human-sized) teddy bear. (PROSE: Original Sin)
Alpharetta had a teddy bear with her on the Karsudan. (PROSE: All Snug in Their Beds)
Stellar carried her teddy bear with her during her visit to Iceworld. At one point she put him in Kane's cryogenic chamber for a nap. (TV: Dragonfire) When she took him out later, she dropped him and he shattered, making her cry. (PROSE: Dragonfire)
When emptying the Sixth Doctor's pockets, Humker and Tandrell found a teddy bear in one of his pockets. Distraught, and probably embarrassed, the Doctor quickly replaced it. (TV: The Mysterious Planet)
The Second Doctor once visited a giant toyshop which had a giant teddy bear. It frightened Victoria Waterfield until she realised it was just a toy. (PROSE: The Celestial Toyshop)
Ruby Sunday kept her VHS in a shoebox along with a teddy bear and some baby clothes. (TV: The Legend of Ruby Sunday [+])
Species with appearances similar to teddy bears[]
The Tingha whilst on Earth manifested their bodies with a similar appearance to teddy bears, and used this appearance to manipulate Ronald Turvey. (AUDIO: Cuddlesome)
The Ke Chedani also had a teddy bear-like appearance. (PROSE: Walking to Babylon)
The inhabitants of Ursino Six resembled teddy bears, among them Teddy Sparkles (PROSE: Teddy Sparkles Must Die!)
Panda somewhat resembled a teddy bear but took great offence to being called one. (AUDIO: Wildthyme at Large, et al)