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Inside Krop Tor?[]

I just watched this episode, and noted something absolutely wild with it, if you pay attention. They refer to drilling to "point zero", and show displays with the center of the planet heavily indicated, suggesting they're drilling to the center of Krop Tor, meaning it's 20 miles across. But the Doctor and Ida go down ten miles in the capsule, then Ida lowers the Doctor ANOTHER ten miles down the Pit, and who knows how much farther he fell. Either I read the displays wrong and misunderstood "Point Zero", or the Doctor went farther down than is physically possible -- further reinforcing the Doctor's repeated refrain in the episode of "This is impossible!"-- 11:22, September 16, 2010 (UTC)

Production Error is not really a production error[]

"Scooti says there's no air, despite obvious signs of gas motion outside the airlock. (Toby's hair and clothing are moving, and there is haze whipping around.)"

This actually was explained previously in this episode. Rose asked if the sound outside (the base being battered by rubble and things being ripped apart under the force of the black hole, making the howling sound as all of it was pulled past the base) was a hurricane. Scooti (or was it Ida?) replied that "you need an atmosphere for a hurricane" and that it was the systems being sucked into the black hole that was making the noise. Toby's clothes are not whipping in the "wind", they're being affected by dust and debris being pulled past him. So, my question is, is it OK to remove this from the Production Errors section since it is explained?

Masterpwn ☎ 16:15, April 2, 2014 (UTC)