Commander Skorr the Bloodbringer served under General Staal during the Tenth Sontaran Battle Fleet's invasion of Earth in 2009.
Though subservient to Staal, Skorr showed great respect for him. During one battle, he asked to be allowed to remove his own helmet so that, like his General, he could face battle "open skinned." After this, he went to oversee the creation of a Martha Jones clone to infiltrate UNIT. (TV: The Sontaran Stratagem)
After ATMOS was activated, Skorr prepared an Attack Squad to ambush the UNIT soldiers in the ATMOS Base, during which he murdered Ross Jenkins, who was unable to fight back due to a Sontaran signal stopping the human guns from firing. Jesting that they were winning too easily, he declared, "This isn't war, this is sport!"
When UNIT fought back, Skorr again fronted the defence, killing many soldiers, but his entire attack force was wiped out. He was confronted by UNIT Colonel Mace, who demanded that the Sontaran face him. When Skorr turned to face him, eager for the fight, Mace shot him three times with a pistol. Skorr muttered "wonderful" as he succumbed to his injuries, knowing he had died what he considered a good death for a soldier. (TV: The Poison Sky)
Behind the scenes[]

An illustration of Skorr is inserted into another DWU story.
Skorr technically had one other appearance in a piece of Doctor Who media, in the comic The Continuity Cap. The second part of that story was printed in issue 67 of the Doctor Who Adventures magazine, which featured a competition where an image of Skorr was hidden somewhere in the magazine. It just happened that the image was hidden inside of the Continuity Cap comic, inserting the Sontaran into a battle in the Hyffon warzone.