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Ian uses a screwdriver to open the TARDIS doors

Ian uses a screwdriver to force open TARDIS' doors. (COMIC: Dr. Who and the Daleks)

You may be looking for the cocktail or sonic screwdriver.

A screwdriver was a tool. The Fourteenth Doctor once referred to the tool as a "non-sonic screwdriver". (TV: Wild Blue Yonder [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who 2023 specials (BBC One and Disney+, 2023). Timestamp 00:04:00.)

The sonic screwdriver was a device which the Tenth Doctor surmised to be "a screwdriver, and it's sonic." (TV: Smith and Jones [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 3 (BBC One, 2007).)

Ian Chesterton used a screwdriver to force open TARDIS' doors after it landed on Skaro. (COMIC: Dr. Who and the Daleks)

After an infostamp left him believing he was the Doctor, Jackson Lake carried such a screwdriver, calling it his "sonic screwdriver". (TV: The Next Doctor [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008 (BBC One, 2008).) Screwdrivers could be used for building cabinets. (TV: The Doctor Dances [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005)., Day of the Moon [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 6 (BBC One, 2011).)

They could also be used as weapons. Andrea Quill told Charlie to stab a screwdriver through the hand of Orla'ath - a guise of the Lankin. (TV: Nightvisiting)

Support homepage image

The image used to represent the "Products" page. (PROSE: GEOCOMTEX home page)

Constance Clarke stabbed a Dalek with a screwdriver on Strellin. (AUDIO: Order of the Daleks)

A red-handled screwdriver was used as the representative image for the "Products" page on the Geocomtex website. (PROSE: GEOCOMTEX home page)

After the TARDIS crash landed in a spaceship at the edge of the universe, the Fourteenth Doctor used a "non-sonic screwdriver" — which Donna Noble asserted was therefore just an ordinary screwdriver — to pry off the TARDIS's lock. After doing so, he inserted his sonic screwdriver into the hole left behind to reconfigure the time machine and initiate its regeneration, to repair the damage caused when Donna spilt coffee over the console. (TV: Wild Blue Yonder [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who 2023 specials (BBC One and Disney+, 2023). Timestamp 00:04:00.)
