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Scones were a form of bread. The Doctor had tea and scones with Elizabeth II. (TV: The Beast Below) In an alternate timeline, the Eleventh Doctor stated that Amy Pond wanted to ask Rory Williams out for "texting and scones". (TV: The Wedding of River Song)

Mrs Parkhouse was famous — to the Eighth Doctor — for the scones she baked at the Wisteria Tea Rooms in Stockbridge, England. (COMIC: Endgame; AUDIO: Izzy's Story) According to the Eleventh Doctor, the Lake District made great scones in 1927. (TV: The Rings of Akhaten)

Emily Shaw offered Liz some scones when they met shortly after Liz was hired by UNIT. (AUDIO: The Last Post)

Ron Winters's scones were acclaimed amongst the residents of 107 Baker Street. Aisha Akhtar declared them worthy of The Great British Bake Off, (AUDIO: The Keys of Baker Street) and the Curator travelled in time to steal some for himself. (AUDIO: Best Year Ever)

On 31 May 2008, scones were served in the head office on Calibris. (AUDIO: Time Reaver)

The Eighth Doctor, Bliss, and Doctor Ogron had scones with afternoon tea. (AUDIO: Planet of the Ogrons)

In an alternate timeline, the Sixth Doctor tried a fruit scone made by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, only to find that it wasn't very good: it was too sweet and was crumbly. The Doctor later gave the scone to a younger Mozart, who agreed with him on its quality. (AUDIO: My Own Private Wolfgang)

The Doctor was holding a scone when Miss Kizlet was using the surrounding staff to talk to him via the WiFi. He passed this scone to a waitress and she took it off him in surprise. (TV: The Bells of Saint John)
