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audio stub

Saltwater was the first audio story in the anthology Other Worlds.

Publisher's summary[]

Rose finds an Earth under threat, as something steals the salt from the oceans.

As global tensions escalate, Rose wants to make those in charge listen, and finds an ally in the shape of another Clive...


As Rose lands in another universe she finds out that Pete and Jackie Tyler died in a fire after being targeted in an attack. The fire happened after Pete filming a series of videos revealing the truth of government cover-ups. She learns that Pete was interested in aliens and UFOs. After their death there was a service held by Reverend Georgina Stacey commemorating their deaths, in the crypt of remembrance. Rose then decides she will go and take a look.

Clive tells Jackie that Pete has had to go to sort out a Torchwood emergency, and has left them in charge of the Dimension Cannon in his absence.

Rose heads to the crypt of remembrance where she meets Georgina. She tells Rose there is a missile crisis and she tells her that she should meet her friend, Clive Finch. Rose heads to a protest where she meets up with him and asks about evidence about aliens. Clive tells her that he is part of a resistance group called 'Project Merit'. He explains that they were hearing a low-frequency 'thrum' originating from space. Salt from the oceans are disappearing, leading boats to sink. The Government thought it was enemy ships attacking leading to the missile crisis. Something from space is teleporting the salt from the oceans away and this is leading to mass extinction. He tells her that the reason for the protests are because the government have faster-than-light communication. Rose realises she could send a message through time to contact the Doctor.



  • Clive suspects that the drone ship only arrived in the solar system because the disappearing stars caused it to get lost.


To be added


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