F. T. Murphy's passport. (TV: The Faceless Ones)
A passport was a document verifying the holder's identity, as well as granting them permission to travel overseas.
The Second Doctor and Jamie McCrimmon were accosted by an immigration officer at Gatwick Airport for not having passports. (TV: The Faceless Ones)
Robin Stuart lost his passport while in Amsterdam, when it was stolen in one of the city's crowded cafés (PROSE: Arc of Infinity); and was subsequently worried that he would be arrested by the police and deported. (TV: Arc of Infinity)
Fitz Kreiner was born in 1936 and carried around a battered copy of his birth certificate. Miraculously, he convinced the British passport authorities in 2001 to issue him a passport on the basis of that document. He somehow convinces them that it reads 1976, rather than 1936. (PROSE: Escape Velocity)
After returning to the Powell Estate one year after she first left with the Doctor, Rose Tyler told her mother Jackie that she had been travelling. Jackie, however, accused her of lying because her passport "was still in the drawer". (TV: Aliens of London)
Justicia was a star system which was used as a huge prison. Rose Tyler mentioned having gone there, and stated that she hadn't needed a passport. (TV: Boom Town)
As the TARDIS recharged from a scar in the Cardiff Rift, Rose invited Mickey over to Cardiff, claiming that she might need her passport if she ended up lost on Earth, an excuse Rose later admitted was just to see Mickey. (TV: Boom Town)
The Fourth Doctor had a galactic passport. (TV: Robot)

"That's your passport to freedom, honey." (TV: Disney Time)
In Lady and the Tramp, after Lady asked what was wrong with her license, Peg told her that there was nothing wrong with it, and that it was her "passport to freedom". (TV: Disney Time)
Ace had difficulties in returning home to the United Kingdom without a passport after the Seventh Doctor accidentally dropped her off in London, Ontario instead of West London. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)
Gwen Cooper used a fake passport in order to return to Wales from America during the Miracle Day crisis of 2011, under the name "Yvonne Pallister". (TV: The Categories of Life)