The Mona Lisa, "one of the great treasures of the universe". (TV: Mona Lisa's Revenge)
Painting was the art of applying colour to a surface. A painting was also the end product — a picture made in this way. They were often displayed in museums afterward. (TV: City of Death, Vincent and the Doctor)
In early human and Neanderthal history, particularly during the Ice Age, paintings were made in caves, called "cave paintings". According to the Third Doctor, when the Dæmons visited Earth, they inspired cave paintings of powerful supernatural beings. (TV: The Dæmons) Susan was delighted to find early "cartoons" when she, the First Doctor and their human companions arrived in an Aztec tomb. (TV: The Aztecs)
Time Lords had a similar form of art — stasis cubes — although these were "bigger on the inside", and actually contained a "tiny sliver of time". Because of this, Clara Oswald thought one such work, Gallifrey Falls No More, to be a 3D oil painting. (TV: The Day of the Doctor) According to Romana II, Gallifreyan paintings were done by computer. The Fourth Doctor thought lowly of this computerised art, instead preferring the paintings of Earth, specifically Paris. (TV: City of Death)
Paintings sometimes proved good defence mechanisms. The First Rani once copied a painting by Turner, Eruption of Souffrier onto a room-dividing screen hiding her TARDIS. The painting defended her TARDIS by producing mustard gas from the volcano's top when intruders approached. (TV: The Mark of the Rani, PROSE: The Mark of the Rani)
Paintings even occasionally turned sentient. Factor Eleven on the Oddness Scale hung in an art gallery on the Moon. Because a soul extractor was used during the creation of the painting it became an intelligent creature. (PROSE: Untitled)
The Flight of the Valwing was a famous Valnaxi painting, thought to have been one of the greatest paintings in the cosmos. (PROSE: The Art of Destruction)
The Toymaker had paintings in his Celestial Toyroom. (TV: The Giggle [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials (BBC One and Disney+, 2023).)
Famous Earth painters and paintings[]
Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel even though he was afraid of heights. The Fourth Doctor told him that he should not have taken the job. (PROSE: Managra, TV: Vincent and the Doctor)
A Raphael painting hung in a church in Borosini, Italy in 1944. To prevent Nazis from stealing the painting and several others, the Fourth Doctor took the paintings to four years into the future. (COMIC: Treasure Trail)
Vincent van Gogh was a famous Dutch painter of the late 19th century. By the 21st century, some considered him to be the greatest artist who ever lived. The image of a Krafayis in van Gogh's painting The Church at Auvers prompted the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond to travel back to 1890. While spending time with van Gogh, Amy inspired his painting, Vase with Twelve Sunflowers, which he dedicated to her. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor) In the last year of his life, van Gogh painted The Pandorica Opens inspired by transmissions he picked up from the Stonehenge of 102 AD. The painting contained the co-ordinates of the Pandorica and the date it opened. (TV: The Pandorica Opens)
The Scream was a painting by Edvard Munch created to trap the Warp Core, which he described as an infinite scream through nature. (AUDIO: Dust Breeding)
Guernica was a painting by Pablo Picasso that showed the destruction of Guernica during a bombing raid. Guernica was commissioned by the Republican government for the Spanish pavilion at the 1937 World's Fair in Paris. (PROSE: History 101)
The Mona Lisa[]
The Mona Lisa was Earth's most famous painting. It was painted multiple times by Leonardo da Vinci. The Fourth Doctor wrote "THIS IS A FAKE" on the canvasses da Vinci was to paint the extra Mona Lisa's on and instructed da Vinci to just paint over words. He also told da Vinci that everyone loved The Last Supper (TV: City of Death)
The painting grew so famous that contests were held just to view it. A painting of Clyde Langer's won first prize in a contest to see the Mona Lisa at the International Gallery. (TV: Mona Lisa's Revenge)
The Abomination was the masterpiece of Giuseppe di Cattivo and was stored underneath the International Gallery. It was painted with pigments made from sentient rock that fell to Earth. When a copy of the Mona Lisa, also painted with sentient meteorite was stored in the same Gallery, the paintings awoke, animating other paintings (including The Dark Rider) and putting people into paintings. (TV: Mona Lisa's Revenge)
Android painters at the Paloma Centre[]
The Paloma Centre not only had one of the largest collections of art in the universe, but also had android copies of many of the painters, including Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Pablo Picasso, Salvador DalÃ, René Magritte, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Henri Rousseau, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, William Turner and Michelangelo.
Paintings by Claude Monet, Matisse, and Zoirarghhh were displayed in the Blue Room of the Paloma Center. (PROSE: The War of Art)
Paintings of the Doctor and his companions[]
Andy Warhol painted the first eleven incarnations of the Doctor in the summer of 1966. (PROSE: The War of Art)
At one point the Second Doctor lost his face and had a sunflower painted on his face by the Face-Painter. (PROSE: Face Painter)
A portrait of the Third Doctor existed on Karfel. (TV: Timelash)
A likeness of the Fourth Doctor was painted into a famous poster by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. (AUDIO: The Demon of Paris)
The Sixth Doctor had portraits of himself painted by Vincent van Gogh and Michaelangelo. It is unknown which incarnations of the Doctor they depicted. (COMIC: Changes)
Thomas Gainsborough painted a portrait of Ace that would hang in Windsor Castle in 1988. (TV: Silver Nemesis, PROSE: Set Piece)
In the 17th century, the Eleventh Doctor posed for a nude painting. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut)
Josie Day painted the Eighth Doctor out of Animae particles in order to solve the problem with her paintings. (COMIC: The Pictures of Josephine Day)
Paintings by the Doctor and his companions[]
In 13th century Cumbria, the Eleventh Doctor painted a portrait of Clara Oswin Oswald. (TV: The Bells of Saint John)