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A lottery was a game in which people could win money.

The National Lottery was a municipal lottery played in the United Kingdom. (TV: Rose, School Reunion) Celebration Lottery was also played in the United Kingdom. (TV: The End of Time [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2009 and New Year Special 2010 (BBC One, 2009-2010).)


When the Eleventh Doctor met the Tenth Doctor in England, 1562, the latter compared regeneration to a lottery, implying that the former was compensating for his with his bigger sonic screwdriver. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

While working to stop a Cyberman invasion of 18th century Klimtenburg, the Eleventh Doctor was about to reassure some of the villagers that the likelihood of a Cyber guard finding them was as likely as winning the lottery. He was interrupted when the Cyber guard found them, causing him to complain that he never won the lottery unless he travelled forward in time and checked the numbers first. (PROSE: Plague of the Cybermen)

The employees of Henrik's department store formed lottery syndicates upon the National Lottery's inception in 1994, with every department having its own group. Soon, £120 was being spent on tickets every week, with the money doubling once a Wednesday draw was introduced in 1997. Bernie Wilson, the Senior Caretaker, saw an opportunity to expand the petty criminal activities he ran out of Henrik's basement and suggested he take charge of the money and buying the tickets, allowing him to funnel it into his own pockets. He only regularly purchased tickets for syndicate members who chose specific numbers, although the introduction of the Lucky Dip made that less likely. (PROSE: Rose)

The lottery money declined over the years, and Wilson was careful to invent small wins on occasion. One Christmas he pretended the Bedding department had won £300 so he could share a celebratory drink of wine with its head, Erica Forsyth. Mostly, Wilson used his ill-gotten gains to supply himself with whisky, Sky, and a trip to Thailand every few years. Over time, however, he grew careless. In February 2005, he saw a Mazda 323 Hatchback on sale and began saving the money to buy it. He secured the sale on the week of 4 March, using all of that week's lottery money to pay the deposit. That Wednesday, however, Lydia Belmont's usual numbers were drawn for the £16.2 million jackpot. Lydia discovered it was Friday 4th, and Wilson was duly summoned to Henrik's Green Glade Café and informed of the news. Desperate to conceal his theft as the ticket did not exist, Wilson claimed the ticket was in a time-locked safe which would open the next morning. That night, he planned to burn down Henrik's so it would seem the ticket had been destroyed, but was killed by the Autons infesting the store. The subsequent destruction of the building by the Ninth Doctor in response to the infestation left Lydia Belmont despondent over the loss of the jackpot. (PROSE: Rose)

In March 2005, Jackie Tyler, via the phone, instructed her daughter Rose Tyler to put a quid in the Lottery syndicate on her behalf. (TV: The End of the World [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005).) Rose first met the Ninth Doctor because she was intercepted at the door of Henrik's by Lee Lin on her way out and asked to deliver that week's Lottery money to Wilson, who was already dead. (TV: Rose, PROSE: Rose)

In 2007, the physics teacher at Deffry Vale High School retired after she won the lottery, despite never having played it, when a ticket was slipped under her door at midnight. Her replacement, "John Smith", described the situation as "very strange" when he was told the story. (TV: School Reunion)

Sometime in the mid-2000s, the computer suite which was used to analyse the Stone Whisperers costed two million pound, half of which came from the lottery. (AUDIO: The Thirteenth Stone)

In 2008, Tony won the lottery, and he was invited to the Hotel Historia by Majenta Pryce. (COMIC: Hotel Historia)

By the 2000s,[nb 1] Carmen used her psychic abilities to win ten pounds on the lottery twice a week. (TV: Planet of the Dead)

During the spring after Rassilon and Joshua Naismith were defeated,[nb 2] the Tenth Doctor's wedding present to Donna Noble at her wedding to Shaun Temple was a Celebration Lottery ticket purchased with money borrowed from her father, Geoff Noble. Expressing hope that it might be a winning one as there was a triple rollover that week, Donna tucked it down the front of her dress for safekeeping. Wilfred Mott and Sylvia Noble were surprised and thrilled by the gift. (TV: The End of Time (part two) [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2009 and New Year Special 2010 (BBC One, 2009-2010).) Due to the subconscious influence of the DoctorDonna to be more like the Doctor, Donna ended up giving away most of her winnings to charity, although she used a small part of it to buy a new house for her family. After Donna's memories were restored, she immediately complained about this to the Fourteenth Doctor. (TV: The Star Beast [+]Russell T Davies, adapted from Doctor Who and the Star Beast (Pat Mills and John Wagner), Doctor Who 2023 specials (BBC One and Disney+, 2023).)

In 4398, when needing to gain access to Kazran Sardick without the interference of his staff, the Eleventh Doctor arranged for them to win the lottery, even though it did not exist. The Doctor simply called them very lucky. When Kazran ordered him out, and he travelled back to Kazran's childhood, the Doctor acted as his babysitter, after his usual babysitter won the lottery, even though it did not exist, even back then. (TV: A Christmas Carol)

Undated events[]

In New Port City, citizens of the Grey Zone could only move to the Black Zone if they won the lottery. The lottery was played by randomising the teleportation coordinates of people's homes and selecting a winner. (PROSE: Gatecrashers)

Other realities[]

Lottery Results was one of the options for content to be downloaded to a Cybus EarPod user's brain with the daily download (PROSE: EarPod [+]Joseph Lidster, Cybus (BBC, 2006).) in Pete's World. (TV: Doomsday [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 2 (BBC One, 2006)., etc.)



  1. ↑ Both Planet of the Dead and The End of Time are referred to in dialogue as taking place after the end of Journey's End, which is set in either 2008, according to TV: The Fires of Pompeii, TV: The Waters of Mars, and AUDIO: SOS (and heavily implied by TV: The Star Beast and TV: The Giggle), or six weeks after the middle of May 2009, circa June, according to PROSE: Beautiful Chaos. However, the year of Planet of the Dead is unspecified, as is whether or not it is intended to be the Easter immediately after Journey's End.
  2. ↑ Both Planet of the Dead and The End of Time are referred to in dialogue as taking place after the end of Journey's End, which is set in either 2008, according to TV: The Fires of Pompeii, TV: The Waters of Mars, and AUDIO: SOS (and heavily implied by TV: The Star Beast and TV: The Giggle), or six weeks after the middle of May 2009, circa June, according to PROSE: Beautiful Chaos. However, the year of The End of Time is unspecified, as is whether or not it is intended to be the Christmas immediately after Journey's End.