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Godzilla was a character that was featured on a duvet owned by Kevin Alperton. (PROSE: The Crawling Terror [+]Mike Tucker, BBC New Series Adventures (BBC Books, 2014).)

After taking on the form of Godzilla to scare away two attackers, Frobisher explained to the Sixth Doctor that he was inspired to do so by a video of Godzilla that he had watched with Peri. (COMIC: Time Bomb [+]Jamie Delano, DWM Comics (Marvel Comics, 1986).)

On Kirith, Ace compared a giant sea creature to Godzilla. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Apocalypse [+]Nigel Robinson, Virgin New Adventures (Virgin Books, 1991).)

C. M West encountered the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler at Tokyo Tower in 1991. Overhearing the Doctor describing to Rose a fire and its path of destruction, West asked them if they were filming a Godzilla movie, upon which they pretended not to understand English. (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man? [+]various authors, Who is Doctor Who? (BBC, 2005).)

Andy Davidson phoned Gwen Cooper asking if the kids proclaiming the 456's arrival was meant to be either for a spaceship or Godzilla. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Three)


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