Captain Jack Harkness facetiously addressed "all Dalek boys and girls" aboard the Crucible. (TV: Journey's End)
The First Doctor sometimes called Vicki Pallister "the girl". (TV: The Web Planet, etc.)
Izzy Sinclair was unhappy that Courtmaster Cruel turned out to be a female, believing that girls should not be in boys' comics. (AUDIO: Izzy's Story)
In 1987, Steve met a girl called Rose. In early 2005, following the Dummy Massacre, he responded to Doctor Who?'s request for sightings of the then missing Rose Tyler, commenting that the girl in the picture they provided looked identical to the Rose from 1987. (PROSE: The Doctor Was Involved in the Dummy Massacre) Indeed, Rose was known to have travelled back to 1987 with the Ninth Doctor, being present for Stuart Hoskins and Sarah Clark's wedding. (TV: Father's Day)
In 2005, Steve Woolfall responded to Doctor Who?'s request for sightings of Rose Tyler, reporting that he had seen a girl that looked like her in the Grosvenor Museum in Chester that afternoon with a chap that reminded him of "that Casanova bloke". Steve suggested that it might not have been the same girl but that it was strange nonetheless. (PROSE: The Doctor Was Involved in the Dummy Massacre)
Artie D reported that Rose looked like a girl he entirely failed to get off with at a party in Islington since she "swan off" after this other chap came up and said something about a different planet. (PROSE: The Doctor Was Involved in the Dummy Massacre)
Victor Kennedy claimed that Bliss was a "stupid girl" for getting married spontaneously; he had in fact absorbed her into his posterior. Providing photos of Rose Tyler, he ordered that LINDA find him "that girl". Elton Pope later reflected on the task of searching London for an unknown girl in 10,000,000. (TV: Love & Monsters)
The Eleventh Doctor affectionately called Amy Pond "the girl who waited". (TV: The Eleventh Hour)
When posing as Kazran Sardick's babysitter, the Eleventh Doctor suggested that they "eat crisps and talk about girls". The Doctor admitted that this was something he had never done. (TV: A Christmas Carol)
Jordan Proctor picked up the numbers of six girls on one drunken night out. (AUDIO: SOS)