Timeline for 1912 |
1906 • 1907 • 1908 • 1909 • 1910 • 1911 • 1913 • 1914 • 1915 • 1916 • 1917 • 1918 |
1912 was notable as the year in which RMS Titanic sank.
The Titanic sailed on her maiden voyage from Southampton, England. The Daniels family cancelled their plans to travel on the ship the day before. A photograph of the Daniels with the Ninth Doctor later came into Clive Finch's possession. (TV: Rose, PROSE: Have You Seen This Man?) The Ninth Doctor later remarked that he was on board an "unsinkable" vessel. (TV: The End of the World)
On 14 April, the Titanic struck an iceberg as it crossed the North Atlantic Ocean. As the ship sank, the Seventh Doctor stopped Huitzilin from acquiring the Xiuhcoatl. (PROSE: The Left-Handed Hummingbird) The Fourth Doctor assured Borusa he "had nothing to do with it." (TV: The Invasion of Time) The sinking was a major event in 20th century Earth history, and nearly a century later, Max Capricorn built a space-faring replica which nearly met a similarly tragic end on 25 December in the 2000s.[nb 1] (TV: Voyage of the Damned)

The Daily Mirror reports on the sinking of the Titanic. (TV: The Invasion of Time)
The Decayed Master, who was trapped on Earth in the early 20th century, boarded the Titanic for its maiden voyage in order to avoid the upcoming First World War by migrating to the United States of America. He was unaware of its eventual fate. However, he managed to escape the sinking in a lifeboat. (AUDIO: Mastermind)
On 17 April, the Daniels family read a newspaper with a headline depicting the Titanic's demise, realising then why the Ninth Doctor had taken their tickets for the voyage. (AUDIO: Battle Scars)
In October, the town of Compton, England was destroyed by a meteorite. (AUDIO: The Fog)
Captain Robert Scott completed his journey from Cardiff to Antarctica, having set off in 1910. He died shortly afterwards, (TV: To the Last Man) and news of his death did not reach England until February 1913. (AUDIO: The Fog)
The Royal Flying Corps was named in this year. (TV: Ghost Light)
While a child, Xznaal saw the plantations in Mare Sirenum. (PROSE: The Dying Days)
The Voynich manuscript was rediscovered by Wilfred Voynich. (PROSE: Ancient Whispers)
The Torchwood librarian went to lunch and never returned. (AUDIO: Madam, I'm)
Births and deaths
On 15 April, Charlotte Pollard, a future companion of the Eighth and Sixth Doctors, was born to Lord Richard and Lady Louisa Pollard. (AUDIO: Neverland)
On 22 July 1912, John Forester was born. (TV: The Gathering)
Francis Wilberforce, Jr. was born. (AUDIO: The Wrong Doctors)
President Lecomte of Haiti was murdered by agents of Tancred Auguste. Auguste later moved Lecomte's body to the Presidential Palace and blew the building up to make it look as if Lecomte had perished in the explosion. Auguste seized power as president, but was himself soon assassinated. (PROSE: White Darkness)
Behind the scenes
According to the "Earth-Skaro Timescale" of Terry Nation's Dalek Annual 1976, the Earth year 1912 is concurrent to Skaro-year 10,835.
- ↑ Although Voyage of the Damned is supposedly set the Christmas after the 2007 setting of The Runaway Bride, the Doctor Who series which aired immediately before and after Voyage give contradicting dates for when their present day is set. PROSE: The Paradox Moon places Martha Jones' present day in series 3 in June 2007. AUDIO: Recruits dates it to March 2008. A newspaper clipping in PROSE: The Secret Lives of Monsters places Smith and Jones on a Sunday 4 June, which in the real world does not fall on a Sunday in either 2007 or 2008. Donna Noble's present day in series 4 is set in 2008 according to TV: The Fires of Pompeii, TV: The Waters of Mars, and AUDIO: SOS (and is heavily implied by TV: The Star Beast and TV: The Giggle), or in approximately April to June 2009, according to PROSE: Beautiful Chaos.