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You may wish to consult Oxford (disambiguation) for other, similarly-named pages.

Oxford was a city in Oxfordshire, England. [source needed] It was the location of the University of Oxford.

Oxford was located in the south of England, to the north-west of London. North-east of Oxford was Cambridge, to the east was the county of Essex, and to the far south was Southampton. (TV: Spyfall)

Iris Wildthyme owned a bookshop on St Michael's Street. (PROSE: The Wildthyme Effect)


In 985, an alien spaceship crashed in Oxford. (AUDIO: The Cloisters of Terror)

In 1278, the Fourth Doctor and Nyssa visited the city. (PROSE: Asylum)

In 1400, there was a failed attempt to assassinate King Henry IV. (AUDIO: The Doctor's Tale)

In the 16th century, Giordano Bruno obtained Self's Faction Paradox mask from an occult collector in Oxford. (PROSE: De Umbris Idearum)

In 1862, Iris Wildthyme and Timmy encountered Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell in Oxford. (PROSE: The Wildthyme Effect)

In 1883, Reverend Ernest Matthews travelled from there to Gabriel Chase to meet with Josiah Samuel Smith. (TV: Ghost Light)

In 1944, Alan Turing first met the Eighth Doctor in Oxford. (PROSE: The Turing Test) In 1993, the Seventh Doctor, Ace and Bernice Summerfield visited Oxford. (PROSE: The Dimension Rider)

Oxford sign

The Seventh Doctor hangs near a sign pointing towards Oxford. (GAME: Dalek Attack)

Oxford "burned" some time after Earth United took hold of the country following the 22nd century Dalek invasion of Earth. (AUDIO: An Earthly Child)

By 2254, Oxford had returned, with signs in London pointing towards it. (GAME: Dalek Attack)
