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This page is a gallery of images depicting Davros.
Genesis of the Daleks[]
"I am anxious that you should see immediately the remarkable results that I have achieved…"
Side view of Davros's head as he gyrates to face the Fourth Doctor.
Disturbed that it took action without him, Davros scolds the first Dalek.
Davros realises that the Daleks have turned on him.
Davros begs the first Dalek to "have pity".
Davros's hand seizes up as he is exterminated, unable to reach the button to switch off the automated production line.
Destiny of the Daleks[]
Davros is immediately intercepted by the Fourth Doctor.
Rousing from his stubborn silence, Davros begins monologuing about his grandiose plans for the Daleks.
The Doctor taunts Davros with the knowledge that the Daleks don't need him and left him for dead centuries ago without looking back — until today.
Inside the Daleks' ship, Davros demands immediate transportation out of Skaro.
Davros is given the computer sphere, and scoffs at the mention of the Supreme Dalek.
Davros realises the Doctor could reprogram the Movellans' computer and thus negate the edge that Davros's presence gives to the Daleks.
The Doctor's incongruous appearance sends Davros's dreams of complete victory crashing down in an instant.
Resurrection of the Daleks[]
Davros meets Commander Lytton.
Davros sputters and whimpers wildly upon hearing that the Daleks lost the Dalek-Movellan War.
Davros discusses the Movellan War with Lytton as an engineer tends to his life-support system.
Davros shrieks about taking "his rightful place as the Daleks' Supreme Being" and leading them to triumph.
Davros opens a secret compartment in his chair's control panel.
"The creatures of Earth have no stomach for judicial murder. They prefer to leave you to rot and die… They call it being humane."
"I shall build a new race of Daleks! They shall be even more deadly!"
"The Doctor and his TARDIS… Perfect!"
Davros meets the Fifth Doctor.
Davros hands capsules containing samples of the Movellan virus to a Dalek Trooper.
"The Daleks are dead… long live the new Daleks!"
Revelation of the Daleks[]
Davros, seemingly reduced to a head in a jar, spots the Sixth Doctor on a screen.
"It is the Doctor!"
"Have that woman brought to me.
Davros talks business with Kara over a video conference call.
Davros compliments Tasambeker.
Davros stokes Tasambeker's resentment towards Jobel.
The real Davros orders Orcini and Bostock to put down their weapons.
Davros dodges a dagger thrown by Bostock.
Davros meets the Sixth Doctor.
"In every way, I have complied with the wishes of those who came here in anticipation of one day being returned… to life."
Davros takes a malicious joy in letting the Doctor know he has been turning the excess bodies into food and selling that food back to the rest of the Galaxy.
Davros is taken into custody by one of the real, Skarosian Daleks.
Remembrance of the Daleks[]
"Emperor on the bridge!"
The "Emperor Dalek" among his subjects.
"We must recover the Hand of Omega without delay!"
The Emperor listens to the reports of his underlings on the Renegade Daleks' position.
The Emperor returns the Seventh Doctor's video call to the Imperial Dalek mothership.
"You have confounded me for the last time!"
The Emperor is revealed to really be Davros.
"The Daleks! Shall! Become! Lords! Of Time!"
Davros closes his casing again, making to escape.
The Stolen Earth[]
Davros emerges from the shadows.
First shot of Davros's mechanical hand.
"And yet Dalek Caan is uneasy."
"Show respect. Without Dalek Caan, none of this would he possible — and he speaks only the truth."
"I warned you, Supreme One. Just as Dalek Caan foretold, the Children of Time are moving against us."
Davros requests access to the subwave network.
"Welcome to my new Empire, Doctor."
Davros on the TARDIS scanner.
Davros and his Daleks.
Davros explains how he was saved from the War by Dalek Caan.
"A single, simple Dalek succeeded where Emperors and Time Lords have failed."
Journey's End[]
to be added
The Daleks & Davros[]
Davros emerges from the time corridor.
"Welcome to my Dalek Empire."
"This Royal Albert Hall will become…"
"…my new palace…"
Davros swivels to face the conductor.
"Let the music of destruction commence."
Davros watches as the power of the Bad Wolf entity overtakes the concert hall.
Davros is overtaken by the power of the Bad Wolf entity.
Final glimpse of Davros's mechanical hand as he is pulled under, banished back to his own time.
The Magician's Apprentice[]
The child turns back to look at Kanzo.
The child freezes up in fear upon realising that there are Handmines about.
The child hears the Twelfth Doctor's voice.
"Tell me the name of the boy who isn't going to die today!"
"…Davros. My name… is Davros."
"…Davros. My name… is Davros."
Seemingly asleep, Davros repears the Doctor's name.
Insisting that he is a wake and merely "anticipating", he holds the Doctor's sonic screwdriver to his face.
"[Our argument] survived the Time War. But it will end… tonight."
"Where does an old man go to die… but with his children?"
"You know what children are like…"
The Witch's Familiar[]
"You would threaten a dying man?"
A Dalek sees what has become of Davros.
Davros calls for Colony Sarff.
Davros appears to the Twelfth Doctor on a screen in Dalek High Command.
"Sorry, this seat's taken!"
"Indeed — but not by you."
"Indeed — but not by you."
"Be certain, Colony Sarff… Tonight, we entrap a Time Lord."
"It wasn't easy to procure… and very nearly unique, of course. You should feel privileged. The only other chair on Skaro."
Davros reiterates that he is dying while continuing not to die yet, to the Doctor's rising irritation.
"Why do you hesitate? No one would know. Clara Oswald is dead!"
Davros asks the Doctor why he ran away from Gallifrey.
Davros asks the Doctor about the contents of his confession dial.
Extreme close-up as Davros asks once again why the Doctor left Gallifrey.
Davros's artificial eye goes offline as he states he wishes to see the Doctor's face "with his own eyes" once again.
"Take the darkest path — into the deepest hell — but… protect your own… as I have sought to protect mine…"
"I… regret… I… cannot… open my eyes!…"
"…Okay. …Don't ever tell anyone that I did this."
"…Okay. …Don't ever tell anyone that I did this."
The Doctor offers Davros a "little bit" of regeneration energy.
"Regeneration energy! The ancient magic of the Time Lords."
Davros brings up the prophecy of the Hybrid.
Davros watches Missy and the Doctor.
"Oh, you are not ‘fine’."
Davros unsuccessfully tries to convince the Doctor, who has retrieved his confession dial, to be worried about the situation.
Davros frowns uncomprehendingly as the Twelfth Doctor explains to him why his glorious plan is about to cause the destruction of the Dalek City.
"Which side are you on? Are you the enemy?"
The young Davros looks up curiously as the Doctor extols the importances of mercy.
Destination: Skaro[]
Davros enters the chamber.
Davros turns to address Castavillian.
Davros: "...but within this casing we can evolve..."
Doctor Who and the Time Witch[]
An image of Davros in The Galactic Crime-Fighter's Notebook.
Abel's Story[]
An image of Davros appears on a GBC news broadcast.
Emperor of the Daleks![]
Davros protests at the prospect of being exterminated.
Believing he is being saved by his faction of loyalists, Davros escapes.
Davros is baffled to realise his rescuers are the Sixth Doctor and Peri Brown.
Davros enters the TARDIS.
Back in the Court Room, the Golden Emperor watches angrily as Davros parlays with the Daleks' greatest enemy.
Davros greets the Renegade Daleks from atop a pyramid of ice.
Close-up as Davros refuses to surrender to the Black Dalek.
Davros unveils his new army.
Davros watches the first clash of the Dalek Civil War from on high.
"Exterminate the Usurpers!"
Flanked by his victorious Imperial Daleks, Davros greets the Seventh Doctor for the first time.
"You are far more devious in your new form than past incarnations…"
"Perhaps even more than you suspect, Davros…"
"Perhaps even more than you suspect, Davros…"
Davros threatens to dissect Bernice Summerfield.
Davros explains his plan to take over Skaro and become Emperor of the Dalek.
Davros mocks the Doctor for having believed his claim that he was prepared to give a sense of morality to his new Daleks.
Davros returns to the Dalek City, escorted by the Doctor.
Davros rages impotently as the Doctor's TARDIS departs.
Davros continues regaining consciousness, slowly realising the nature of his new surroundings.
As his Imperial Dalek attendants finish welding his casing, Davros orders them to start investigating the Hand of Omega.
Hubristically declaring his invincibility, Davros settles into his new role as Emperor of the Daleks, swearing that his next confrontation with the Doctor will be the last.
Up Above the Gods[]
Davros asks the Sixth Doctor why he saved him.
"What happened to you, Davros? You were once a geneticist, interested only in the survival of your people…"
"What turned you, Davros?"
"Where did the rage that created the Daleks come from?"
Davros expounds upon his fascistic worldview to the Doctor.
Happy Deathday[]
Davros among the villains assembled by the Beige Guardian.
— and is thus promptly taken out by the Wildean Wit Enforcer along with his minions.
Hunters of the Burning Stone[]
Falling through time, the Eleventh Doctor sees a distorted image of Davros among other evils from his past.
Video games[]
Time Streams[]
Davros, the Daleks, and the first seven Doctors on the headboard of Doctor Who Pinball: Time Streams.
Dalek Attack[]
On Skaro, Davros addresses the Battle Commander Daleks.
The Seventh Doctor confronts Davros after foiling his scheme.
Davros "frozen in time and space" by the Time Lords.
LEGO Dimensions[]
Davros onboard his Dalek flying saucer.
Davros meets the Twelfth Doctor.
Davros waits for the Doctor in his Emperor casing.
Worlds Apart[]
Davros the Betrayer card.
Audio stories[]
Main Range[]
Classic Villains Trilogy (2020 cover)
The Juggernauts (2005 cover)
The Juggernauts (textless cover art)
Terror Firma (2005 cover)
Terror Firma (2005 cover detail)
The Curse of Davros (2012 cover)
The Curse of Davros (textless cover art)
I, Davros[]
Dalek Universe[]
The Dalek Defence (2021 cover)
The Dalek Defence (2021 alternative cover)
The Triumph of Davros (2021 default cover)
The Triumph of Davros (2021 alternative cover)
DWM illustrations[]
Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks (1976 softcover edition cover)
Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks (1979 US edition cover)
Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks (1991 edition cover)
Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks (2016 edition cover)
Doctor Who and the Destiny of the Daleks (1990 edition cover)
Remembrance of the Daleks (1990 edition cover)
Revelation of the Daleks (2021 edition cover)
Davros is rejected by his "children". (PROSE: An Incident Concerning the Continual Bombardment of the Phobos Colony)
Internal images[]
Davros (PROSE: The Monster Vault)
Monster File: Davros[]
Davros on the title card.
"Davros… the man who created the Daleks."
Close-up of Davros's prosthetic hand.
Davros as he appeared when he created the Daleks.
Doctor Who Minecraft[]
Davros as seen on the rollercoaster on Minecraftia.
Who Is Davros?[]
A visual of Davros in the TARDIS information system.
Visual of Davros and his first batch of Grey Daleks in the TARDIS information system.
Visual of Davros and a Bronze Dalek in the TARDIS information system.
Davros as a boy, as encountered by the Twelfth Doctor, in the TARDIS information system.
The Old Doctor Who Monsters' Home[]
"Well, Steven asked me if I wanted to be in the new series, and I said…"
Close-up of Davros's ocular system.
Davros's mouldering hand twitches.
Promotional material[]
DWM covers[]
Reference books[]
The Doctor Who Monster Book (1975)
The Doctor Who Monster Book (1985)
DWM illustrations[]
Doctor Who calendars[]
Concept art[]
Leekley Bible[]
An alternative Davros as illustrated in the Leekley Bible.
Series 9[]
Millennium FX concept art by Christopher Goodman for Davros's severed torso as seen in The Witch's Familiar.