Doctor Who: The Seventh Doctor, published by Titan Publishing Group, was an American comic book mini-series, comprised of a three-part story, Operation Volcano. The series also featured a back-up strip, Hill of Beans. It featured the Seventh Doctor and his companion, Ace.
# | Title | Writer | Featuring | Printed in | Released |
1 | Operation Volcano | Andrew Cartmel | Ace, Gilmore, Rachel, Allison | 7D 1 - 3 | 6 June - 1 August 2018 |
# | Title | Writer | Featuring | Printed in | Released |
1 | Hill of Beans | Richard Dinnick | Ace, Mags | 7D 1 - 3 | 6 June - 1 August 2018 |
Collected editions[]
Vol. | Issues | Title | Stories | Publication date |
1 | 1-3 | Operation Volcano | 14 November 2018 |