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Mr Diagoras was an American businessman and philanthropist who oversaw the construction of the Empire State Building.


Diagoras fought in World War I, and it was then that he decided to only take care of himself. He developed an ambition to run New York City, whatever it took.

In 1930, he secretly served the Cult of Skaro, and ran the work to fit the orders of Dalek Caan, who acted as the Cult's connection to the outside world.

The Cult thought Diagoras was the most Dalek-like human they had encountered, as he had rare ambition and thought like a Dalek. Dalek Sec viewed Diagoras as their best option for the Final Experiment, so Caan took him to meet their leader.

Deep within the Cult's subterranean lair, Dalek Sec revealed to Diagoras that he planned to merge with him. Daleks Jast and Thay protested, but Sec convinced them that polluting the Daleks' purity was necessary, as the Daleks must survive. Sec opened his casing revealing his true form to a terrified Diagoras who was then pushed by a Pig slave and then grabbed and digested by Sec's own Dalek-mutant flesh. Sec fully encased his body in him, and the casing was closed.

When the Final Experiment was complete, the casing opened and Sec stepped out, transformed with Diagoras, into the first human-Dalek. (TV: Daleks in Manhattan)

What was left of Diagoras, merged with Sec, was exterminated by Dalek Thay. (TV: Evolution of the Daleks)

The New York Gazette later reported that he had been killed in a fire at the Central Park Hooverville, though the reports were unconfirmed. (PROSE: The Secret Lives of Monsters)


Diagoras was a very ambitious, ruthless, and unprincipled man. He was also very selfish and showed no regard for the lives of others. (TV: Daleks in Manhattan) Despite this, there might have been a good side to Diagoras, as Dalek Sec was able to feel human emotions that were alien to the Daleks after merging with him. (TV: Evolution of the Daleks)
