The one hundred fifty-fifth issue of Doctor Who Adventures had a cover date of 25 February - 3 March 2010.
Free gift[]
- Inflatable Weeping Angel and Cybershade Tumblers
Information / Fact File (Photo feature and Essential Info)[]
- NEW SERIES SECRETS: The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond
- FACTFILE: Cybershades
- STORY GUIDE: TV: The Waters of Mars (5 pages)
- WHERE ARE THEY NOW?: Captain Jack
Comic content[]
- Creature Feature (4 pages)
Tales from the TARDIS[]
- None
The Doctor's Data (Collectable Fact File)[]
- None
- A3 Battle scene
montage featuring Sontaran and Cybermen - A4 "I'm kinda PSYCHIC" Jack Harkness from TV: The End of Time - featuring Jack Harkness
- A4 "ALL HUMANS will leave their homes" Dalek Sec from TV: The Stolen Earth - featuring Daleks on Earth
Behind the scenes[]
- Filming the entire human race turning into the Master
- None
Additional features[]
- Welcome and news
- Find in this issue hidden somewhere Francine Jones to win a new set of Time Squad figures featuring collect and build mini-Master figure.
- Puzzles and Quiz (Davros and the Daleks)
- Readers contributions: Time Agent Upload / Doctor You
- featuring reader's letters, photos, and art.
- Competition Goodies (Doctor Who DVD The Chase/The Space Museum, Sets of End of Time Action figures, Journal of Impossible Things and sonic screwdriver)
Also listing: Their favourite thing about the Cybershades
- Editor: Moray Laing, The way they go "Raaaaaar!"
- Deputy Editor: Paul Lang, The way they scuttle up walls
- Senior Art Editor: Nikki Davies, Their quizzical, coppery faces
- Production Editor: Liza Millett, They can drive a horse and carriage - brilliant
- Designer: Melanie Caine, They can drag the Doctor and Jackson across a warehouse with ease
- Tea and Biscuits, Minnie the Menace, Ooh, I don't know if I like the look of those things, dear!
Hidden Away / Facts[]
- This magazine can be recycled: Or give it to the Sisters of Plenitude so they can shred it to help keep their claws sharp.
- Matt Smith was the third person to be auditioned to play the Doctor.
- Steven Moffat has described Matt Smith as clumsy and walks like a drunken giraffe.
Additional details[]
- The subscription offer for this issue with a saving of 25%, following four issues for £1.
- This issue had a cover price of £2.50 (UK) and the free gift was cover mounted.
- Next issue's free gift is promoted as a surprise Who gift.
- In the "Where are they now feature?" on Captain Jack, there is no mention of Jack meeting Alonso Frame, just that Jack met the Tenth Doctor one final time when he was in a bar full of aliens.