The fifteenth issue of Doctor Who Adventures had a cover date of 17 October - 31 October 2006.
Free gift[]
- Halloween themed monster claws and slimy eyes!
Fact File (Photo feature and Essential Info)[]
- The Slitheen
Comic content[]
- Pinball Wizard (Part One) (6 pages split 4 and 2)
Tales from the TARDIS[]
- From TV: The Parting of the Ways The Doctor and Jack rescue Rose.
Monster A-Z[]
The Doctor's Data (Collectable Fact File)[]
- File 14: Moxx of Balhoon
Adventure guide and behind the scenes feature[]
- A3 "Oh, that's BEAUTIFUL!" The Doctor in TV: Tooth and Claw - featuring Werewolf.
- A4 "I shall NOT be going with you today!" Reinette in TV: The Girl in the Fireplace - montage featuring Reinette and Clockwork Droid
- A4 "DALEKS do not take ORDERS!" Dalek Sec in TV: Doomsday - featuring Dalek Sec
- A4 CRASH! - featuring Cyberman
Additional features[]
- Welcome (including latest news/ preview teaser)
- The Vortex (Who News)
- Find in this issue hidden somewhere Granma Gelth to win a Doctor Who Shaker Maker !
- Humour: 'Things to do with a defeated enemy' Use the Ood to organise a birthday party and play Follow my Leader. (By Christopher Cooper)
- TARDIS Inbox Monster Gallery
- Featuring readers letters, photos and readers art
- Quiz
- Which Monster are you?
- Make It
- Cut out Abzorbaloff Mask
- Puzzle Pages / Fun stuff
- Competition Goodies: Doctor Who Book Sets, Space Raiders, PS2 and game, Ice Age film goodies
- Competition: Win a life size K9 (Coupon collect for entries bonus token included)
Also featuring their favourite green monster
- Assistant Editor: Moray Laing, The Slitheen
- Senior Designer: Paul Lang, The Myrka
- Senior Writer: Annabel Gibson, The Abzorbaloff
- Picture Editor: Shaila Bux, Erato
- Production Editor: Ed Lomas, Giant maggots
- Editorial Assistant: Olivia McLearon, The Abzorbaloff
- Diplomatic negotiations Harriet Jones Margaret Blaine
Hidden Away / Facts[]
- Mini-motto: "I'm the Doctor. And if you don't like it ... if you want to take it to a higher authority, then there isn't one. It stops with me."
- This magazine can be recycled: "If you don't – you might get absorbed."
- Frau Clovis: "All calls to The Duke of Manhattan are monitored for evidence of wailing space banshees"
- The Graske first appeared in the mini Doctor Who interactive adventure called Attack of the Graske on BBC digital television (and on the internet)
- The Moxx of Balhoon travelled on a special anti-gravity chair and has no defensive capabilities.
- Original titles for Fear Her included Chloe Webber Destroys the Earth and You're a Bad Girl Chloe Webber.
- The word "Isolus" comes from the Latin for "alone".
- The reporter and broadcaster Huw Edwards's voice was heard on the News 24 clip of the disappearing Olympic crowd in Fear Her.
- In Fear Her the Doctor tells Rose Tyler that he was once a dad.
Additional details[]
- Published every two weeks on a Thursday, this issue had a cover price of £1.99 (UK).
- From this issue onwards, the cover is 'stamped' with the words “100% OFFICIAL!”
- The subscription offer for this issue was a saving of over £6 (UK). No other incentive is offered.
- This issue included an invitation for readers to become Time Agents (receiving a newsletter by e-mail every two weeks).
- This issue's free gift was selotaped to the cover.
- Next issue's free gift is named as TARDIS door hanger and monster stickers!
Readers in Scotland and Northern Ireland will get a free Doctor Who Activity book instead.