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Clothing was material made for covering the body. To not wear clothing was to be naked, which was required to visit the Papal Mainframe, (TV: The Time of the Doctor) and favoured by Raxacoricofallapatorians such as the Slitheen. (TV: World War Three)

In 1190, a chamberlain serving in Richard the Lionheart's court recognised the clothing worn by the First Doctor and Vicki Pallister as belonging to the palace. (TV: The Crusade)

The aliens that Andrew met on three subsequent Saturdays thought he was a different incarnation of the Doctor based on the clothing he was wearing at the time. (PROSE: The Andrew Invasion)

Kymbra Chimeras were unable to accurately copy clothing, so it appeared fused to their flesh. (COMIC: Changes)

The Blue, Red, and Yellow Kangs had hair and clothing coloured to match their tribal name. (TV: Paradise Towers)

Historians who had been allowed access to the "Monster Vaults" of the databanks in the Doctor's TARDIS observed that an Abzorbaloff, which could disguise itself using a morphic illusion, would appear to be fully clothed when in reality it was probably wearing little more than a thong; as the Abzorbaloff was constantly drawing sustenance through its skin, it needed to be as naked as possible. (PROSE: The Monster Vault, TV: Love & Monsters)

A hologram shell was worn by Saibra to replicate clothing, allowing her to efficiently disguise herself in conjunction with her own ability as a mutant human to morph by replicating living cells. (TV: Time Heist)

After the Thirteenth Doctor's regeneration into the Fourteenth Doctor, (TV: The Power of the Doctor [+]Chris Chibnall, Doctor Who Centenary Special 2022 (BBC One, 2022).) he was surprised about his hair and how it belonged to a previous Doctor. (PROSE: A Letter from the Doctor [+]Paul Lang, Doctor Who The Official Annual 2024 (Penguin Group, 2023). Pages 5-6., "Heroes of Time" [+]Part of Whotopia: The Ultimate Guide to the Whoniverse, Simon Guerrier, Una McCormack and Jonathan Morris, BBC Books (2023).)

Other references[]

Vivien Rook met Lucy Saxon at 10 Downing Street, ostensibly to request a 20 minute interview for a front page profile piece on "Britain's First Lady" and "The Power Behind the Throne". As she explained to Tish Jones, it did not require her attendance as it only involved "hair, and clothes and nonsense." In reality, however, this was a ruse for Vivien to bring her findings on Harold Saxon to his wife. (TV: The Sound of Drums)
