A Welsh bus stop. (AUDIO: Gooseberry)
- You may be looking for the Carnaby Street store.
Bus stops were found in London. (TV: Invasion of the Dinosaurs [+]Malcolm Hulke, Doctor Who season 11 (BBC1, 1974).)
The Ninth Doctor let the passengers off the 68 to Bolton at a bus stop after having hijacked the bus. (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man? [+]various authors, Who is Doctor Who? (BBC, 2005).)
The "Katy Manning" Iris once mused that her Celestial Omnibus might look more in place on "Regent Street in the pouring rain, pulling up at a bus stop on a dark December night". (AUDIO: Iris Wildthyme Speaks...! [+]Paul Magrs, Out of this World (BBC Radio 3, 2017).)
Ryan Sinclair once saw goths drinking cheap cider at a bus stop. (PROSE: Combat Magicks [+]Steve Cole, BBC New Series Adventures (BBC Books, 2018).)