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The Borgias were an influential family in medieval Italy.

In 1505, a soldier who worked for Scaroth and the Borgias told the Fourth Doctor that working for the Borgias had made him "believe anything". (TV: City of Death)

The Doctor once helped the reigning Duke of Medici's great-great-great-grandfather during a spot of bother with the Borgias. (AUDIO: The Doomsday Quatrain)

The Eleventh Doctor claimed to have survived dinner with the Borgias. (COMIC: Sticks & Stones)

The Twelfth Doctor recalled meeting Cesare Borgia. (TV: Time Heist)

Lucretia Borgia was among the notable women of Earth's history who were invited by Missy to join MADAM. (PROSE: Girl Power!)

In 1977, Mr Quave told Leela that her shackles at the Villa d'Alfredo had been there since the Borgias. Leela did not know who they were. (AUDIO: The Tivolian Who Knew Too Much)

Behind the scenes[]
