Amy is a Ganger! - Doctor Who - Almost People - Series 6 - BBC
Amy Pond gives birth to Melody. (TV: The Almost People)
Birth, also called childbirth, was the start of one's life, (TV: Listen, To the Last Man) and a moment that no one remembered. (TV: Heaven Sent)
According to Missy, human beings were born dying. (TV: Death in Heaven) Mercy Hartigan commented that "man that is born of woman hath but a short time to live." (TV: The Next Doctor) The Ninth Doctor explained to Rose Tyler that a time traveller could die centuries before they were even born. (TV: The Unquiet Dead)
In humans, a mother's waters would break, indicating that she was going into labour and the birth was imminent. (PROSE: Bay of the Dead)
During the process, a mother or father (TV: The Tsuranga Conundrum) would be instructed to push, and a baby would be produced thereafter (TV: The Almost People, A Good Man Goes to War) from their womb, (TV: The Lost Boy) the opening of which was between their legs. (PROSE: Bay of the Dead)
Birth for humans was a painful process. (TV: The Almost People, PROSE: Prologue) A mother would inhale and exhale rapidly through her mouth, her face contorted in pain and covered in sweat. As well as the new-born, there would sometimes be a release of blood and vernix, along with the umbilical cord and placenta. (PROSE: Bay of the Dead) Some, such as Howarth's wife and Agatha Ellis' mother, died in childbirth. (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy, Curtain Call) However it was less painful for other species, such as the Gifftans. (TV: The Tsuranga Conundrum)
According to Sarah Jane Smith, any human who was born had a navel, but Luke Smith did not, as he was grown by the Bane. (TV: Invasion of the Bane, The Lost Boy) He also consequently had no birthday. (TV: Secrets of the Stars)

An Adipose is born. (TV: Partners in Crime)
For Adipose, birth meant the conversion of a host's fat into an Adipose baby. In 2009, ten thousand Adipose were born in London, and a nursery ship came to collect them. (TV: Partners in Crime)
For years afterwards, birthdays were celebrated on the anniversary of one's birth. (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy, COMIC: Party Animals)
Birth certificates and other forms of record were often kept of a person's birth. (TV: Ghost Machine, The Unicorn and the Wasp, The Long Game, End of the Road) Susan Foreman had a forged birth certificate during her time on Earth in the 1960s. (PROSE: Time and Relative) Satellite Five had access to the birth certificates, shopping habits and bank statements of everyone on Earth, but they could not find any information on the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler. (TV: The Long Game) In 1926, Professor Gerald Peach found Arnold Golightly's birth certificate, confirming his suspicions that he was Clemency Eddison's son. (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp)
Humans born on Earth, rather than the colony planets, were referred to as Earthborn. (PROSE: Ten Little Aliens)
It was a crime among Magellans to have a child. When Aphrodite Diamante's parent gave birth to her, it was punished by being split in two, each half being put in a different time zone on Earth. (PROSE: Emotional Chemistry)
As Arboretans existed partly outside of time, when one died, their consciousness travelled back to their birth and they lived their life over again, trying to fix mistakes they had made until they achieved the best life possible. They called this "the path of perfection". (PROSE: Festival of Death)
Clara Oswin Oswald claimed to have been born behind the clock face of Big Ben, accounting for her acute sense of time. (TV: The Snowmen)
In 1941, a teenaged Nancy gave birth to Jamie, but due to her age and the social atmosphere of that time, she pretended to be his sister. (TV: The Doctor Dances)
By his own word, Victor Kennedy was "born" on Clom. (TV: Love & Monsters)

Melody Pond, shortly after having been born. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)
For the entire time that Amy Pond was pregnant, she was in fact replaced by a Ganger in her travels with the Eleventh Doctor, while she was truly on Demons Run in the 52nd century. When she was "ready to pop", the Doctor melted her Ganger body, and her consciousness returned to Demons Run, where she gave birth to Melody. (TV: The Almost People) Baby Melody was stolen by Madame Kovarian shortly after birth, as a weapon against the Doctor. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)
In 2011, five hundred thousand people were born on Earth every day. (TV: The New World) During the Miracle Day crisis, fifty percent of abortions did not successfully kill fetuses, and so many were born with major genetic defects. India and mainline China put contraceptives in the water supply. (TV: Dead of Night)
Quill mothers died in childbirth, with their young feasting on their corpses afterwards. (TV: The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did)
When Adam Wicks was born in the 22nd century, his father Jimmy drank about eight pints of tea, and burst out laughing when he was told he had a boy. (TV: The Rebel Flesh)
In the 67th century, the Gifftan Yoss Inkl gave birth to his son Avocado on the Tsuranga medical ship bound to Resus One. A BirthBud was usually used for Gifftan births, but this malfunctioned after a Pting attacked the ship. Ryan Sinclair and Graham O'Brien assisted Yoss in his delivery as doulas, helping to calm him as Mabli cut open his pregnancy sac. (TV: The Tsuranga Conundrum)
On 31 August 200,000, (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary) the Face of Boe, who had been reported by Bad WolfTV as expecting Baby Boemina, (TV: The Long Game) gave birth to a daughter. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary)
Thomas and Valerie Brannigan's kits were born on the Motorway in 5,000,000,053, as they couldn't stop. (TV: Gridlock)
Other references[]
When Chris Cwej once found a xenopornographic magazine in one of the TARDIS' guest rooms, he was reminded of what he saw inside when he saw a gynoid giving birth. (PROSE: Christmas on a Rational Planet)