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You may wish to consult Bigger on the Inside (disambiguation) for other, similarly-named pages.

Bigger on the Inside was a video game released as part of Doctor Who: Legacy.

It saw a virus invade the TARDIS, throwing all incarnations of the Doctor from the first to the twelfth, and many of his companions into danger. It had a plot of its own, unrelated to the main game's storyline. Additionally, unlike Legacy, which allowed customisable teams, each level of Bigger on the Inside had a pre-set team that was used by anyone who played.



Some time after the Doctors have united, a strange metal spikes shoots into the TARDIS through the Time Vortex and pierces the console, spreading a virus that leaves the TARDIS in inner chaos. As it struggles against the infection, the TARDIS's architectural reconfiguration system starts morphing the interior into places it has been previously, recreating enemies the Doctor had fought before. The TARDIS's perception filters are also affected, resulting in the Doctors and companions being made to perceive themselves and the TARDIS as a simplified, pixelated version of their usual appearances.

As the TARDIS's defences are overwhelmed, the Doctors and companions are teleported into separate instances of the console room. The Tenth Doctor finds himself alone in the Twelfth Doctor's console room, defending himself from Clockwork Droids, before reuniting with Amy and Rory. They defend themselves against Judoon until the console room morphs into the Beast's prison. Running off to force the interior to change again, they manage to morph it into the Farringham School for Boys, where they have to face off against the Family of Blood.

Meanwhile, the First Doctor, in another version of the Twelfth Doctor's console room, manages to find Jack Harkness and Porridge before the interior morphs into Antarctica and pits them against the Cybermen's invasion of Snowcap.

Chapter 1[]

The First Doctor, Jack and Porridge continue to fight the Cybermen, the CyberKing, Snowmen, the Ice Governess and Reapers. After defeating all of these, they face off a paradox and continued to search for the TARDIS's actual console room.

Meanwhile, the War Doctor and Cinder encountered the Cloister Wraiths and Weeping Angels down in a room which resembles the Capitol. After they faced more Cloister Wraiths, Cybermen and Daleks, the General appears. From there they enter another room, which recreated the Diner full of Slitheen and the Empty Child. They kept moving and seemingly reach the console room, where Polly, Ace and Sarah Jane greet them. The War Doctor, however, realises these companions Zygons. After defeating them, the Doctor and his companions move on.

In another part of the TARDIS, the Eighth Doctor and Josie Day meet Grace Holloway in a room that resembles like San Francisco, Fighting Sandminer robots and time distortions, they find a door leading them to a malfunctioning TARDIS console. The Doctor is able to fix it with his screwdriver, enabling them to move on to a room that resembles Victorian London, where they face the Fendahleen. Beyond that lies rooms of Tombstone, Vortis, and a castle where Ice Warriors, Judoon, Scarecrows, Oods, more Weeping Angels and paradoxes await them.

Finally the War Doctor, the Eighth Doctor, Cinder, the General, Josie and Grace all reunite in the same room. When several Reapers appear, the Doctors' companions hold them back, while the Doctors went searching for the tertiary console room. On their way, they meet the Sycorax, Cybermen, Ice Warriors and a Dalek, until finally reaching the tertiary room.

The Doctor and Asmuth

The War Doctor and Asmuth fight with three Temporal Weapon Daleks.

The War Doctor then starts to recall relevant events from the Time War, when he confronted Rassilon about time distortions, and was sent along with Asmuth to investigate and destroy their cause.

Four different versions of Asmuth accompanied the Doctor through Estragil, where they faced Daleks and Reapers. During a fight against the Daleks, one of the versions of Asmuth, nicknamed by the Doctor as "Blue" died. Later, "Pretty Boy", another version of Asmuth was also hit by a Dalek and perished. The Doctor went on through the city with the remaining versions of Asmuth, "Green" and "Phyllis", until they were both hit by the Daleks and died. Alone, the Doctor continued his path, until he found the cause of the time distortions, a great beast that could swallow an entire Dalek fleet. Then, the Eleventh General arrived with a few Gallifreyan soldiers, but the Doctor advised them not to fire at the creature, because not even the Daleks had a chance against it. They retreated, going back to the Capitol.



to be added


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