A faked photo of Ashley's birthday party. (TV: The Lost Boy)
Ashley Stafford was a boy who was invented by Mr Smith.
Ashley loved football and pepperoni pizza. Furthermore, he was very good on a skateboard. He was supposed to be Luke Smith who was living together with his parents Heidi and Jay Stafford until he went to the Bubble Shock! factory. He lost his memory and spent the year with Sarah Jane Smith. Then Heidi and Jay asked for their son Ashley on television and showed a photo that looked like Luke. Chrissie Jackson recognised Luke and called the police. Luke was sent to live with the Stafford family.
However, it turned out that Heidi and Jay Stafford were Slitheen. They were working together with Mr Smith who wanted to free the Xylok. He needed Luke for this and created Ashley. (TV: The Lost Boy)