This is a disambiguation page.
It points to other pages that have similar names. If you followed a link here, please fix it to point to one of the pages listed below.
There are many Angelas in the Doctor Who universe and the relevant real world. They are listed below in alphabetical order by surname. If no surname is available, alphabetization occurs by the disambiguation term — that is, the bit between the parentheses in a title like Waitress (Vincent and the Doctor).
As only name[]
- Angela (The Scarlet Empress) from PROSE: The Scarlet Empress
- Angela (Unnatural Selection) from HOMEVID: Unnatural Selection
As first name[]
- Angela Clifford (TV: Time-Flight)
- Angela Connolly (TV: Dead Man Walking, Exit Wounds)
- Angela Healy (COMIC: Yonder... The Yeti)
- Angela Hook (PROSE: Wishing Well)
- Angela Jennings (PROSE: Time of Your Life)
- Angela Price (Lost in Time) (TV: Lost in Time)
- Angela Price (Rise of the Cybermen) (TV: Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel)
- Angela Whittaker (TV: Planet of the Dead)
- Angela Wisher (AUDIO: Cuddlesome)
Out of universe[]
- Angela Bruce, who played Winifred Bambera in TV: Battlefield and AUDIO: Animal
- Angela Douglas, who played Doris Lethbridge-Stewart in TV: Battlefield
- Angela Pleasence, who played Elizabeth I in TV: The Shakespeare Code and Mags in TV: The Curse of Clyde Langer
- Angela Gordon, production assistant for Doctor Who
- Angela Seyfang, who did make-up for TV: Carnival of Monsters
- Angela Smith, production unit manager and production associate for Doctor Who