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The Alliance of Races was an intergalactic military force founded by Rassilon to oppose the Hyperions.

Alliance against Hyperions

Rassilon rallying the races against the Hyperions. (COMIC: The Hyperion Empire)

The Alliance was composed of many races including Time Lords, Hath, Ice Warriors, Judoon, Silurians, Sontarans, Vigil and Zygons. (COMIC: Terrorformer, Gangland) After the Hyperions were defeated in the Great Inferno, as the war came to be known, (COMIC: Terrorformer) Rassilon and the Alliance of Races embarked on another purge of species and enemies that were a threat to universal harmony.

One such enemy was Count D'if of the Cybock Imperium. Rassilon challenged D'if to a game of Rassilon's roulette using the Time-Gun of Rassilon. D'if lost and he was wiped from existence. (COMIC: Gangland)

Behind the scenes[]

One of the aliens in Rassilon's alliance bears a curious resemblance to the Human-Dalek.
