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Adamantine (or similar) may refer to:
- Adamantine (The Fall of Yquatine), a planet in the Minerva system. (PROSE: The Fall of Yquatine)
- Adamantean (species), the inhabitants of this planet.
- Adamantean (language), their language.
- Adamantine (Molten Heart), a volcanic planet visited by the Thirteenth Doctor. (PROSE: Molten Heart)
- The Adamantine (spacecraft), a dreadnought sent by the Darksmith Collective to pursue the Tenth Doctor. (PROSE: The Colour of Darkness etc.)
- Adamantine (metal), a legendarily strong metal used by Zeus in the Land of Fiction. (AUDIO: The Wrath of Medusa)
- Adamantium, a similarly strong substance. (PROSE: Legacy, Original Sin)
- The Adamantium (spacecraft), a spaceship operated by the Consortium, a mineral mining organisation. (PROSE: Fear of the Dark)
- Adam Adament, a television series in the 20th century. (NOTVALID: The Complete Guide to Doctor Who?)