Timeline for 1975 |
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1975 was a year.
On 17 October, Jefred's ship crashed into Reykjavik after an intergalactic voyage from Xefora 7. Aided by paintwork containing a genetic coating, he was able to live undetected in a park. (AUDIO: Women's Day Off)
On 24 October, almost every working-age woman in Iceland went on strike to protest for wages equal to men's. The country ground to a halt, and not just because there were thousands marching in the streets. In the midst of this, Kyla, a girl in Reykjavik who had accidentally blown up her boarding school's chemistry lab using the ambionic stabiliser from Jefred's ship, found it increasingly difficult to control the stabiliser. With the help of the Eighth Doctor, Charlotte Pollard, Audacity Montague, Jefred, and her teacher Mrs Gunnar, she stopped the chaos she was causing and gave Jefred the stabiliser so he could return to Xefora 7. (AUDIO: Women's Day Off)
On 24 December, the Seventh Doctor and his companions Ace and Hex defeated the Kellenian invasion of Earth in New York City. (PROSE: Presence)
The Fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan Jovanka visited London. (PROSE: The Sands of Time)
When she was fifteen, Tegan broke her toe during track and gym and Mike Bretherton carried her books home for her. (AUDIO: Hexagora)
The heads of two Cybermen left over from the International Electromatics invasion were found beneath London in this year. One was found in the sewers and eventually ended up in Henry van Statten's Vault. (TV: Dalek) The other was found at Deffry Vale station and was stored at the Leamington Spa Lifeboat Museum. (GAME: Security Bot)
The conspiracy theory magazine Plexus was established in Patchogue, New York. (AUDIO: The Conspiracy)
A young woman was abducted by the Sisters of St Matilda. (AUDIO: The Cloisters of Terror)
Highgate Cemetery was "reclaimed" by the Friends of Highgate Cemetery. (COMIC: The Highgate Horror)
Andrew Wooding and his class were visited by the Ninth Doctor, who got them to paint pictures of their dreams. (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man?)
Births and deaths
Toshiko Sato was born in July. (TV: Greeks Bearing Gifts) Her official Torchwood records once stated her date of birth was 19 September 1981 (TV: Exit Wounds) due to an incident Toshiko had whilst trying to stop a torrent file from corrupting the world. (AUDIO: torchwood_cascade_CDRIP.tor)
Francisco Franco died. He had ruled Spain since 1939. (AUDIO: Fiesta of the Damned)
Jonah Summerfield I died in an industrial accident. (PROSE: Dead Romance)