Tionese is a set of armor, weapons, earpieces and implants that can be obtained from story mode operations. Tionese gear has no set bonuses. Matching Imperial and Republic classes share the same gear sets.
New sets (LotS)[]
The new Tionese gear is of premium quality and has ratings ranging from 320 to 340.
Bounty Hunter / Trooper | Imperial Agent / Smuggler | Sith Inquisitor / Jedi Consular | Sith Warrior / Jedi Knight | |
Damage | Tionese Boltblaster's Gear | Tionese Targeter's Gear | Tionese Force-Lord's Gear | Tionese Pummeler's Gear |
Healing | Tionese Med-Tech's Gear | Tionese Mender's Gear | Tionese Force-Healer's Gear | |
Tank | Tionese Demolisher's Gear | Tionese Duelist's Gear | Tionese Bulwark's Gear |
Old sets (Vanilla game)[]
The old artifact endgame gear has a rating of 126.
Bounty Hunter / Trooper | Imperial Agent / Smuggler | Sith Inquisitor / Jedi Consular | Sith Warrior / Jedi Knight | |
Damage | Tionese Combat Tech's Gear Tionese Eliminator's Gear |
Tionese Enforcer's Gear Tionese Field Tech's Gear |
Tionese Force-Master's Gear Tionese Stalker's Gear |
Tionese Vindicator's Gear Tionese Weaponmaster's Gear |
Healing | Tionese Combat Medic's Gear | Tionese Field Medic's Gear | Tionese Force-Mystic's Gear | |
Tank | Tionese Supercommando's Gear | Tionese Survivor's Gear | Tionese War Leader's Gear |