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Corran Horn is an undercover CorSec Agent located in a guild hall in Doaba Guerfel (3188, 5240).

Even though he is undercover, Corran breaks his cover to request your help for his investigation.


Reward: 200 Credits

Conversation with Corran Horn[]

Corran Horn: I'm an undercover CorSec officer in the middle of an investigation and I need your help. A witness has agreed to come forward and needs to be safely escorted back here. I have to attend an important meeting with my Black Sun contacts or else my cover will be blown. Can you help me out?
PC: What is she a witness to?
Corran Horn: A multiple homicide committed by some highly placed Black Sun operatives. That means this job could be very dangerous. Do you think you're up for it?
PC: Yes.
Corran Horn: Chandra Conrad is a valuable witness against Black Sun so be careful. No doubt their goons are turning Corellia upside-down trying to find her.

  • Corran needs your help escorting in a valuable witness while he is away meeting with some of his Black Sun contacts in order to keep his cover.
  • Head out to the location Corran supplies you with and take out the two Thugs.
  • Speak with the Witness and escort her back to Corran to get your reward.

Conversation with Corran Horn[]

Corran Horn: Well done. Now I can get her to safety and we can see about bringing down some of these Black Sun lowlifes.

Bring in a Black Sun[]

Reward: 400 Credits

Conversation with Corran Horn[]

Corran Horn: Great work on that last job. Getting her back here safely could not have been easy. Do you think you might be up to something a little tougher? I want you to bring one of those Black Sun crooks in for questioning. How about it?
PC: No. Who do you want me to bring in?
Corran Horn: His name is Obrio Caldori and he's wanted in connection with those murders witnessed by Chandra Conrad. We're hoping he'll lead us to some higher-ups in the organization.
PC: Yes.
Corran Horn: Obrio Caldori is a mid-level operative but he's not part of Black Sun's muscle, he's more like an administrator. Bring him back here in one piece, but be careful. He's certain to have some guards.

  • Corran is impressed with your last bit of work, and now he wants you to bring in a Black Sun named Obrio Caldori, a man connected to the murder that the witness saw. Corran hopes that Obrio can lead them to some bigger fish.
  • Head out to the location Corran provides you with and take out Obrio's four Thug guards.
  • Speak with Obrio and escort him back to Corran for you reward.

Conversation with Corran Horn[]

Corran Horn: You're a natural at this. Ever think of going into security?

Reeling in the Big Fish[]

Reward: 800 Credits

Conversation with Corran Horn[]

Corran Horn: We're on to something big. Caldori was all too eager to cooperate once he discovered how much our witness already knew. He's turned over evidence implicating one of Black Sun's major players. Do you think you're up to bringing this hotshot in?
PC: Who is this guy?
Corran Horn: His name is Voydd Blancken. Bringing him to justice will be a major blow to Black Sun. He knows where a lot of bodies are buried. Do you think you can bring him in alive?
PC: Yes.
Corran Horn: Voydd Blancken won't come easily. His personal guards are highly trained experts. If you have some backup you trust, I'd recommend bringing them along.

  • Obrio was eager to give Corran some information and has given him a lead on a big shot. Corran wants you to head out and find Voydd Bancken, and bring him in.
  • Head out to the location Corran gives you and take out his his five Thug guards.
  • Talk to Voydd and escort him back to Corran for your reward.

Conversation with Corran Horn[]

Corran Horn: Black Sun will be recovering from this for a long time. Well done, my friend.
