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Booto Lubble is a gungan male who can be found in the Rori Rebel Outpost.

/way rori 3701 -6488 Booto Lubble;

This gungan operative will speak to you only if you're a Rebel Combatant and will ask you for assistance in a couple tasks.

The Rank Cylinder[]

Reward: 50 credits

Conversation with Booto Lubble[]

Booto Lubble: Heydo! My workin' on makin' a necklace from Empire officer rank cylinder tings. My knowin' 'bout a warrant officer in de wilds wit some soldiers. My wantin' you to be killin' de warrant officer an' bringin' mesa hisa rank cylinder ting. Hey?
PC: Who are you?
Booto Lubble: Here at Zephyr Base wesa plannin' strategies for fightin' de Empire on Naboo. My bein' liyayzonn to all Gungans on Naboo, gettin' dere hep.
PC: Who is getting the gift necklace you're making?
Booto Lubble: My be sweetin' on de commando trainer here, Raxa Binn. Shesa mooie-mooie! My tinkin' shesa likin' a necklace made of Empire rank cylinder tings.
PC: Why does the rank cylinder have to be from this warrant officer?
Booto Lubble: Ooah, de rank cylinder tings for warrant officers bein' just de right color for matchin' Raxa Binn's eyes!
PC: Yes.
Booto Lubble: Oie boie, yousa good friend. My givin' yousa de coordinates right now. Yousa bringin' de cylinder ting back to me, hey?

You first task will be to kill the Warrant Officer Luhin Jinnor by 300m from the outpost, in order to retrieve Officer Jinnor's Rank Cylinder. Booto needs this cylinder to create a necklace he'd like to offer to Raxa Binn.

The officer is CL18 and is escorted by two CL15 Imperial Troopers.

Conversation with Booto Lubble[]

Booto Lubble: Oie boie! Disa de just-right ting mesa needin' on de necklace for Raxa! Tanks! Yousa be talkin' to mesa 'gain soon, hey?

The Thermal Detonator[]

Reward: 50 credits

Conversation with Booto Lubble[]

Booto Lubble: Ello! My workin' hard on de necklace for Raxa Binn. My needin' a nice pendant now -- mesa tinkin' a termal detanator. Yousa mebbe killin' disa Empire Army captain an' gettin' it for mesa?
PC: Why do you want a thermal detonator for a necklace pendant?
Booto Lubble: Ooh, one time mesa overhearin' Raxa Binn, shesa sayin, ""Evvy tim I seein' dat Gungan, I want a termal detanator.""
PC: Why do you want a detonator from this particular Imperial Army captain?
Booto Lubble: Disa one of Colonel Zarvold's men. Raxa Binn, shesa hatin' Zarvold -- mesa not knowin' why -- an' will like dis detanator for, mesa thinkin', sentimental value.
PC: Who is the Imperial Army captain?
Booto Lubble: Hesa Cap'n Rohd Gostervek, mooie bombad Imperial. Hesa patrollin' de wilderness, lookin' for dis base. Hesa always protected, so yousa be careful, hey?
PC: Yes.
Booto Lubble: Owoo! My givin' yousa de coordinates right now. Disa captain, hesa got mooie bombad troopers wit him, so yousa be careful, hey?

Now to finish the necklace, Booto wants an Imperial Army Thermal Detonator that you'll find on one of Colonel Zarvold's men from the Rori Battalion, the Captain Rohd Gostervek (CL21). He'll be escorted by four CL15 Imperial Troopers.

Conversation with Booto Lubble[]

Booto Lubble: Ooh, yousa bombad! Disa gonna be de sweetest necklace for de sweetest Zabrak commando trainer in de worl'. Shesa seein' dis an' gettin' all soft an' sweet ovah mesa. Tanks!
