Cities of Corellia
- Bela Vistal
- Coronet
- Doaba Guerfel
- Kor Vella
- Tyrena
- Vreni Island
Bela Vistal is a small city nestled in the southeast Corellian mountains. As the Imperial stronghold city for Corellia, Imperials will always be in control of the city, even if Rebels are winning the war on the planet and have control of all other cities on Corellia. Since Bela Vistal has no Starport, Imperials will have to use a Shuttleport, thus Combatants and Special Forces may have to endure resistance when landing on Corellia.
City Services[]

Bela Vistal, Corellia
General Exploration Badges: Corellia
Crystal Fountain of Bela Vistal
waypoint: 6762 -5608
- Banking Terminal (6927, -5553), (6833, -5782),(6921,-5568),(6915,-5598)
- Bazaar Terminal (6654, -5943) Next to Shuttle A
- Cantina (6724, -5706)
- Cloning Facility (6863, -5718)
- Event Promoter (6938,-5611)
- Guild hall (6853, -5446) Crafting
- Guild hall (6708, -5548) Crafting
- Hotel (6907, -5581)
- Junk Dealers (6840,-5630),(6869,-5797),(6756,-5778),(6970,-5588)
- Medical Center (6712, -5917)
- Mission Terminal (6919, -5566), (6909, -5589), (6708, -5549), (6707, -5592), (6833, -5782)
- Shuttleport A (6643, -5924)
- Shuttleport B (6936, -5538) If you are running delivery missions, use this shuttleport, as it is closer to the center of town.
- None
Faction Locations[]
- Imperial recruiter (6718, -5809),(6706,-5559),(6835,-5788)
- Imperial Mission Terminal (6718, -5809)
Quest NPCs[]
/way 6800, -5623 Dalya (Smugglers only); NGE servers /way 6708, -5783 Ging Darjeek; /way 6836, -5767 Grondorn Muse; /way 6692, -5607 Luthin; /way 6700, -5755 Palejo Reshad; /way 6772, -5697 Pashna Starkiller ( (Rebels only) Rebel Corellian Corvette)