Star Wars Fanon


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Rebellion era

VK-584/6821 was a clone stormtrooper of the Galactic Empire. Stationed on Fresia, he was killed by members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He had a sense of humor that earned him the nickname Dry.


Dry was born in the cloning vats of Kamino in 12 BBY and was sent to Fresia to serve in a squad led by a veteran clone, CT/S-9031/80. In 1 BBY several Rebels infiltrated the planet to steal Incom X-wings for their war effort. Dry and his squad were among those sent to intercept the Rebels but the enemy was better trained then they had been led to believe. One of their squadmates, Valos Clensaa, tried to run from the battle but he was shot in the back by 107-TR-953/084. Dry complimented TR-953 on his excellent shot, briefly taking his eyes off the enemy. A moment later, he was struck in the head by a blaster bolt.
