Star Wars Fanon

The Sarconians were a frog-like humanoid race native to the Colonies planet of Sarconia. They bore a strong resemblance to the Rybets.

Biology and appearance[]

The Sarconians were green-skinned frog-like humanoids with black eyes, five fingered hands, and three-toed feet.

Society and culture[]

Sarconians could work for any affiliation and occupation, and could speak in a language which consists of frog-like croaks. They could speak Basic. They also shared their name with the Sarconian green flea, a type of non-sentient insect from their homeworld. They were one of the 5 million sentient species (alien races) known to the Empire in the galaxy.


The Sarconians were the sentient descendants of a non-sentient amphibian species. They evolved on Sarconia, a swamp planet located in the Sarconia system within the Balmorra sector in the Colonies region. Their homeworld was explored sometime between 27,500 BBY and 25,000 BBY, during the Pre-Hyperdrive, Tionese/Hutt Holdings, and the birth of the Republic. It fell into the area of space known as The Slice. They shared their home sector with the Gravdinians, the Halaisi, the Krintrinoans, the Luranians, the Narquois, and the Neimoidians. It became a part of Republic Space during the Clone Wars. In 25 ABY, their homeworld's population was at least 5 billion. Their homeworld became a part of the Darth Krayt's Sith Empire in 137 ABY.

