Star Wars Fanon

On this day, my loyal subjects, I must announce the restructuring of our Confederate States of Earth into a new political entity - one which will continue our honorable struggle for Western Nationalism and Western rights. This new nation that we build, together, is the Imperial Kingdom of Zarkania. Supported by the august Galactic Empire, led faithfully by myself, she will survive and prosper, she will rebuild her strength, and she will find glory! Let us rise, as one man, and embark on this great journey as a united folk! For the Empire!
—Empress Elizabeth Zarkan, announcing the creation of the Imperial Kingdom of Zarkania

The Imperial Kingdom of Zarkania (Also referred to as Imperial Zarkania, the Imperial Kingdom, the Imperial West and as Elizabethan Zarkania) was a Puppet state of the Galactic Empire that was established from the former Confederate States of Earth, located on the planet Earth, following the Imperial victory in the Third Battle of Earth.

Despite the fact that the Confederates were Separatist loyalists, Moff Octavian Grant, the leader of the Imperial forces during the Invasion of Earth, sufficiently respected the Confederates for their loyalty and their devotion to Human power, thus, he decided to allow them maintain a modicum of sovereignty, as opposed to reducing them to being pure Imperial territory. His hope was that giving the natives a hand in the Imperial governance would endear them to the occupation forces.

In the end, he was proven correct. Even before the establishment of the Imperial and Royal Land Forces in 15 BBY local nationalists had established the Earthling Legion/Zarkanian Legion - which was also known by the rarer and more poetic names of "Legio Terranicae" and "Legio Zarkaniae" - within the Imperial Army of Occupation of 18 BBY - 15 BBY.

His idea was a success, whilst the Imperial Kingdom suffered a few rebellions through-out the years, the majority of nationalists of the former Confederacy were at least willing to work with the Empire, collaboration with the Empire was widespread, even amongst the general populace - many of whom were neutral, just trying to get by with little issue. Moff Grant appealed to a Human Supremacist and ultranationalist member of the Zarkanian Royal Family named Elizabeth Zarkan to lead his newly-envisioned protectorate.

Elizabeth, a cousin of deceased President of the Confederate States of Earth and Empress of the Zarkan Empire Jane Zarkan, agreed, after being persuaded by Moff Grant with pro-Imperial and pro-Human High Culture propaganda, to join the Empire and serve as the head of state for his new proposed Imperial client state. Grant's appeals managed to convince her the Empire was the galaxy's best choice and hope, leading to Elizabeth becoming an Imperial sympathizer.

Viewing collaboration with the Galactic Empire as a means of defending her land from William Crest's Earth Empire to the east, as well as being a means to rebuild Zarkanian strength, and forge a new ultranationalist future for the western half of Earth, Elizabeth Zarkan willingly swore her allegiance to the Galactic Empire, much to Grant's satisfaction, she then took up her place as the Empress of the Imperial Kingdom of Zarkania, more or less becoming an Imperial Governess.

For the Empress! For the Empire!
—A patriotic war cry of the Imperial Kingdom of Zarkania