Han Su-Kang, better known as Hanigozamasu Su-Kang, was a former Jedi from the planet Zanzibar, which had become devastated by the Yuuzhan Vong war. He was born 13 ABY, to Jak Su-Kang and Anita Chi-Sash. He was one of the Children of Zanzibar, a group made up of young Zanzibariens formed in 30 ABY, just two months after the war ended. They were tasked to defeat a group of rogue Vong on Zanzibar who refused to accept defeat. Members included Han, his third cousin and lover Lanya Farnds, his best friend Noors Jarv, and Engrith Ban-Kwong. He would later turn to the dark side after coming under the belief that the Galactic Alliance was to blame for the trillions of lives lost during the war, and joined his adoptive father/Sith Lord Marko Grankim in the New Empire. Unbeknowenst to him, at the time of defection Lanya was pregnant with his son. His life would change after he lost his eyes, discovering his power for seeing into the past, and also discovering the existence of his son.
Early life[]
Han was born in the Zanzibar's capital, Haishang. Most Zanzibariens have their surname as a combination of their mothers first half of her last name combined with the fathers second half of his last name. For example, Ban-Gan and Xi-Kwong make Ban-Kwong. Han was an exception as his mother had died giving birth, while Lanya Farnds and Noors Jarv were exceptions due to their mixed heritage. Han grew up with his third cousin Lanya, and the two grew close, eventually falling in love with each other. His father was a Zanzibar Knight, a Jedi who was from Zanzibar, used a vibrosword in place of a lightsaber and used the Zanzibarien sword style of Umarai. As such, he was never there for Han much, and they distance grew during the Yuuzhan Vong war, leaving Han to turn into a smuggler for a brief period of time. That changed when Jak died from mysterious circumstances after the Republic abandoned him on their own planet, leaving him for dead with his fellow Zanzibar Knights Marko Grankim and Hiro Farnds. He was died shortly after that, passing on the Kang Dynasty Bandanna to his 2nd cousin Hiro. It would later come into Lanya's possession due to Han's defection.
Children of Zanzibar[]
After the war was over, the Galactic alliance found that the Vong Fleet over Zanzibar had not surrendered, and had continued their vongforming of the planet's surface. The Alliance knew that they needed to organize a small team of Jedi, who each came from Zanzibar, to deal with the problem. They sent Kyle Katarn to gather up the team. As a major cortosis mine on Zanzibar was under control of the Vong, this team had to use lightsabers. Han was an exceptionally gifted swordsman who was quickly elected as the first member. Katarn found Han and Lanya in each other's arms, and, noticing her strength in the Force as well as the relationship the two shared, he singed her on as well. Noors Jarv later joined, along with Engrith Ban-Kwong and eight other young Zanzibariens. They would later name themselves the Children of Zanzibar.
Han became friends with Noors, after a fight with a powerful Vong general named Quish'r Tar'unong, who cut off Noors left arm from the shoulder down and half his right hand. Han killed Quish'r, then escaped with Noors (Picking up his friends right thumb on the way). When they discovered where the commander of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet, Yurek'sho Maq'to, was camping out, an assault was planned for the next day. The chances that some team members may die was heightened. As this may have been their last night together, Han and Lanya became intimate.
The attack took place in the early morning, when the Children of Zanzibar were backed up by the surviving Zanzibar Knights. They fought with the vong, and two member's lost their lives. Lanya and Han confronted Yurek'Sho and fought him, finding the Vong commander to be a skilled warrior. When Lanya was knocked out, Han grew enraged. He picked up her lightsaber, and threw it straight into the Vong's exposed chest. Yurek'Sho pulled out the lightsaber and crushed it, but only then did he notice Han use force speed to quickly get behind him. Han decapitated the Vong commander, with Noors and Engrith witnessing the event. It was at that moment that an all-Grey Venator class star destroyer, belonging to Marko Grankim, landed just outside the Vong encampment. The ship was called the Zanzibar, It was Grankim's flagship. Han rushed to greet his adoptive father, and was told of how the Galactic alliance were responsible for everything. Grankim handed Han his father's vibrosword, and was lured to the dark side.
Grankim had become extremely powerful after finding the Illuminate, a Super star destroyer which was also a temple, one which had an altar that gave Grankim a massive surge of dark side power. Engrith Ban-Kwong attempted to turn Han away from the dark side, and the two fought. They had a fierce duel, and Engrith had slowly grown jealous of Han's power. Finally, at the edge of a cliff, Han sliced Engrith's legs off at the knees, and sent him plummeting down into the river bellow. As he returned o the Zanzibar, Han found Lanya and Noors with shocked expressions. He told them to join him, but both refused. Lanya said she loved Han, but his was too much. Han was angered, telling her that the Galactic Alliance were the evil ones. He left them behind as Grankim took him to Korriban. There, He found an Imperial Star destroyer which had modified engines that distinguished it from the other star destroyers. Grankim told Han that this was now his ship. Han named it the The Agony, after the emotion he was feeling. He had realized then that he still had feelings for Lanya. Still, in 34 ABY, Han's life would change forever.