Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Darth Annihilus was born in 4012 ABY and was the fifth Sith apprentice of Darth Kaos. When Kaos died, it was Annihilus that claimed his crown during the Second War of Succession. He quickly reuinted the Sith after the conflict and led his new force towards the Core Systems. He succeeded in conquering the whole galaxy save for one planet, Thyferra. Annihilus won a Phyrric victory at Thyferra losing many men and vehicles, including one of his apprentices, Darth Sadisticus and his wife Darth Shadow. The latter's death drove Annihilus mad and from then on, he would do all sorts of irrational things. For example, he once choked his top general to death. As this is not uncommon among the Sith, it was not seen as strange. However, when witnesses divulged information that the man had just payed Annihilus a compliment, it became apparent that Shadow's death had affected Annihilus badly. Annihilus finally died in 10,789 ABY. His last surviving apprentice, Darth Murdrus took his position.

Unique and Unusual Powers and Abilities[]

Flight: Annihilus could fly long distances effortlessly without the aid of a craft. The only other Sith Lords to have been known to do this are Darth Tyrannus, Darth Abeonis and Darth Kaos

Mind-reading: Annihilus could invade an opponents mind and read it, so much so that he could then recite their thoughts as though he had learned them from a book.

Eternal Youth: Annihilus was able to retain his youth for around 7000 years, the only person to ever do so.

Master Duellist: Annihilus was easily able to defeat around ten opponents single handedly. Only Revan ever showed prowess to rival Annihilus's.

Mind Possession:Annihilus could enter his opponents mind but instead of torturing them, he could take possession of their mind and make his victim his slave. Unfortunately, he was unable to conjure Force Lightning or use any other Force powers beside these.

Beind the scenes[]

Annihilus is derived the word annihilate, just as Darth Nihilus's Sith name was.
