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Dahs Chee was a male Chagrian Jedi Knight and later Master, who was one of Zorin Durandu's most successful apprentices. He took part in some minor battles during the Wookiee-Trandoshan War and later trained Nes Madda after the war. Dahs was thought to be a distant relative of Darth Ithericius.


Early life[]

I sense great power in that Chagrian boy, master"
"Then train him, you should

Zorin Durandu and Master Yyral

Dahs Chee was born sometime before the Wookiee-Trandoshan War on Champala, in the city of Dessan. Chee's parents were both of noble blood and agreed to join the Wookiee cause before the war. Dahs was the third of three children and the only bearing abilities to become a Jedi. When Dahs was fifteen, Zorin Durandu along with other Jedi ventured to Champalato secure the Chagrians place on the Wookie side. Here Zorin noticed Dahs and asked his parents if he could train him in the Jedi way. Dahs' parents agreed and soon bid farewell to their son, who headed with his new master to the Jedi Temple on Cindoris V.

Training on Cindoris V[]

From when Dahs was fifteen until he was eighteen, he was trained at the Jedi Temple on Cindoris V by Zorin Durandu. When he became a Jedi Knight at age eighteen Dahs joined fighting in the Wookiee-Trandoshan War and befriended Hish'Pash

Loss on Trandosha[]

During the second battle of Trandosha, Dahs lost his friend Hish'Pash to the rogue Sith Ashij Daa. Dahs Chee was deeply troubled by this and later avenged his friend by killing Ashij, although his master saved him from further paths to the Dark Side.

Later life[]

After the Wookie-Trandoshan War ended in 78, 194 ABY, Dahs Chee asked to join the Jedi Council on Cindoris and was given the position that once belonged to Dun Vittas. As a member of the Council Dahs trained Nes Madda and saw him become a Jedi Knight. He lived a long and fruitful life, finally becoming one with the Force.
