Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

CT-2184, also known as Glare, was a clone trooper who was killed during the Mission to Farquar III.


Early life[]

Glare was born on Kamino and taught to fight. He was deployed on Geonosis and fought valiantly. However, during the battle a piece of debris was flung through the air and struck Glare on the head. This left him permanently blind. His eyes were replaced with cybernetic eyes that glowed green. His nickname came from his eyes. His efforts in battle earned him the rank of captain. He was later assigned to Stigma Squad.

Mission to Farquar III[]

He and the other members of Stigma Squad where sent to Farquar III to investigate possible Separatist sightings. They would be joined by the Jedi Bdaris Telnari. They received cover fire from a LAAT while they stormed a beach the Separatists had captured. During the battle, Glare showed off his ferocity in battle by taking out the majority of the droids, at one point even beating a B1 battle droid with is rifle until it was destroyed. When their leader died, Glare took control of the Clones. Unfortunately he was temporarily blinded when a thermal detonator exploded and he was then shot in the side, stomach and chest. He was the last casualty of the battle.

Armor and equipment[]

Glare wore a set of Phase II clone trooper armor which was entirely plain except for the dark gray markings indicating that he was a member of the 34th Legion and a pair of Jaig eyes. He wielded the standard DC-15A blaster rifle, a pair of DC-17 hand blasters and was proficient in sniper rifles and explosives. Despite this, he preferred hand-to-hand combat, and thus was noted for beating droids to breaking point rather than shooting them. The prosthetic eyes he used were of a similar model used by Grand Moff Trachta, the only difference being the green tint, as opposed to the red of Tractha's.

Personality and traits[]

Glare was well known for the incident which led to him becoming blind. As a result, he became bitter and angry. He trained heavily in hand-to-hand combat and was known for his aggression. Despite this, he was shown to be a capable leader and was respected by his fellow soldiers. Many of the other members of Stigma Squad thought that Glare should have been leading them rather than Chief. Glare himself never expressed any interest in the idea. He was very stern and serious, not tolerating soldiers who were not serious in battle.
